Power Ballads

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Artemis Barton worked at a music shop.  That may be a surprise to some people, but to those who were closest to her knew that music was second-nature to her.  Even though she had been learning the Guitar for the past four years, the drums would always be her favorite.

Parts of her job included:

-Preventing people from playing Stairway to Heaven in the store.

-Being patient with people who have no idea about music and are there for their Instagram stories.

-Trying not to cringe at the terrible playing of people trying to show off to their friends.

-Being elated every time someone who actually knows what they're doing comes through the door, which is not often.

-Trying to attract customers by jamming out with her co-workers who also have musical expertise.

And one that was more relevant now than ever before, 

-Leave personal stuff at home and work.

She was taking that advice, as currently, she was doing one of her favorite things to do when the shop was empty, playing.  There were four of them on duty, the first was Derek, a energetic Bisexual 20-year old trying to pay his way through online college, on the vocals and rhythm guitar, his boyfriend, John a certified gay disaster working the bass with backup vocals, herself on Lead guitar (and girl-lead vocals when they covered those), and Peggy, one of the sassiest people you would ever meet on Drums.

"Dreams" by the Cranberries is brilliant.  So brilliant that it had become the unofficial-anthem of the store.  The four played it whenever they were all on shift together.  So, here they were, playing, getting into what John called the vibes, each of them synchronizing perfectly, but not so much as to loose the song.

(I'm not going to post the lyrics here, but if you're interested please check out the song, it's really amazing.)

When the song ended and they had all sent grins to each other, Artemis briefly forgot about today.  

That was, until her father and a few of his colleagues entered the shop.


Artemis Barton had a short temper.  It was a given seeing as to how she was raised by a literal assassin, and 98% of the ones she had met had anger control issues, but when her father, Steve Rogers, Thor (Yes, he's here), and Tony freaking Stark entered the store, she, strangely remained calm.  

Her co-workers were a different matter.  

"You're my literal idol" got passed around a few times, mainly by Derek who was fanboying way too hard over Captain America whilst his boyfriend was off drooling over Iron Man.  Peggy, being one of the only people outside of her family to know about Artemis' situation was backing her father against the wall, lecturing him with all of her 5'0 glory.

Thor, strangely, was the one Artemis was most worried about, as he was shouting over the lack of lutes and mandolins in the store whilst waving around a rather expensive acoustic guitar.

"Thor, honey," She said, in her most patronizing voice ever, "can you please put the guitar down?"

"WHY OF COURSE LADY BARTON!"  Thor said, dropping the guitar haphazardly onto the immaculate display, nearly creating a domino effect before Artemis prevented it.

He then proceeded to pick up a electric one and started.... mimicking a heavy-metallist?  Whatever he was doing, he needed to get out before she got fined for property damage by association.


Hey all, I know that was not the most exciting chapter, but I promise the next ones will be better and we'll get some tea on her backstory and some arguments with her dad, fun times, am I right?  Please vote and comment, each one means the world to me.

Have a phenomenal day!


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2021 ⏰

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