Chapter 11

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It was the next morning and u woke up and draco was gone, your whole year had a free first period so that the New Years got extra time to get used to the school.u sat up and looked around the room but draco wasn't in there.u grabbed your book and started reading them all of a sudden draco came through the door with a tray full off breakfast u looked up and smiled "morning beautiful" he says with a smirk, "good morning draco u say as u wipe your eyes getting rid of the sleep in them.he giggles whilst watching u and comes and places the tray on your lap and kisses u on your cheek "thank you draco" he comes and sits next to u and bites into a green apple. " I was thinking that after you got dressed we could go for a walk in the Forrest and then along the black lake if we hurry"he says looking across to u. "Sure lemme go get dressed" u get up and get some clothes from your trunk because u Brung it to dracos room. U put on some high wasted black leggings and a red cropped jumper and your boots. You turned around and saw draco staring at u with his eyes wide open and mouth open abit. "U make everything look so good", u blow him a kiss and start opening the door motioning him to come on. He gets off the bed and follows. As your walking down the stairs u hear shouting coming from the common room as u get to the bottom the shouting was so loud u had to cover your ears. Crabbe, blaise and goyle were all shouting about who got the last cake and everyone else was laughing,u two walked out laughing and continued walking with dracos had round your waist.after your walk you go to your first few classes and they all fly bye,it was then lunch and u decided to Talk to Harry about what happened,everyone was in lunch and the doors were closed.u kicked them open and walked in,all eyes were on u whilst u walked towards Harry. He stood up and u slapped him across the face. "Make stuff up again and I'll make sure,my dad gets to u" u turn around and walk to the slytherin table and sit next to pansy she hugs u and is smiling and tells u how good u looked today. Draco walked in a few minutes late and walked over to Harry and punched him in the nose "that's for trying to steal my girl potter" he then kicked him in the stomach, " and that's for making me look bad" he came over and say to u and kisses u whilst everyone was staring. He puts his hand on your thigh and started eating.u giggled looking at Harry being held up by hermione and Ron and being brought to the hospital was the end of the day and finally time for your quidditch match. Draco was also on the slytherin team so u were waiting with him. It was time to go out draco and u kissed infront of the whole team "omg get a room" shouts Adrian u laugh and get on your brooms and fly out.Oli comes up beside u "good luck riddle" he says with a grin, "your gonna need it" u laugh and the game starts.u were searching the sky for the snitch when it zooms past your face you go after it but Harry noticed and follows after it too, u were side and side nudging each other u reach out to grab it and Harry shoves into the side of u making u fall over 150 feet hitting the ground hard.your world went black and the last thing u remember was draco screaming your name getting closer and closer and Oliver shouting for someone to help.u wake up slowly opening your eyes. But u weren't in the hospital wing u were at the manor.u fully opened your eyes and tried to sit up but u was in too much pain. U look around and see draco pasing around the room. "D-d-draco" u manged to get out, he looked up and rushed over. " your awake omg" he grabbes your hand and squeezes it " o-ow d-draco", "I'm sorry bubs, let me go get our parents there going mad and your dad and mum are worried sick." He ran downstairs and it went silent for a minute then a group of footsteps came running up the stairs and bursting the door open

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