Chapter 15

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"Y/N".. u started following the voices and it led u too a room the door was locked but u could see draco lay on the floor tied up through the bars on the door, "Alohomora" u say pointing blaises wand at the lock but it didn't open. "Wait draco if u can move as far away from the door as u can" draco moved as much as he could but that wasn't far then out of no where "Bombarda" u say causing a small explosion to accrue and nocking the door down. U ran in and un tied draco. U too hugged for a minute or two before realising u should probably leave. "I'm so glad your ok love"draco says kissing your cheek as u get up. "Mee to draco blaise was threatening to do something to u and I was so scared he might have already done it". U hugged again before running out of the room and running in the opposite way from the room u came from. U found your way to the bottom of a staircase u could see a door at the top with the light of the sunrise just coming through. "And where do u think your going" says a voice from behind u, u turn around and see Harry Ron and hermione walking towards u. "Oh riddle u didn't think we'd let u get away that easy would u" hermione says laughing. "Awh is Malfoy lost for words,his daddy cant pretect him now" Ron buts in from the side.they were getting closer and closer and u were the only one out of u and draco with a wand. U quickly came up with a plan "when I say I need u to run to the top of the stairs and open that door ok" u whisper to Draco "I'm not leaving u y/n"he looks down at you worried as the trio was getting closer, "u won't I'm just making a delay for them so they can't get to us that quick,we can't apperate from down here I tried but as soon as we get to the top we will ok,just do what I say draco". " I love you y/n riddle". "I love you to draco" "now 3...2...1...GO" draco ran to the top and the trio start running. "OBSCURO" u shout making blindfolds appear covering there eyes. "Colloshoo" u shout once again making there feet stick to the ground u ran up the stairs but before u left u turned around and casted one last spell "Glisseo" u giggled as the stairs that where once there had turned into on big slide "I'd like to see them climb up that, anyway now come on" draco said with abit of a giggle.he slammed the door shut and u both apperaited to your parents. Black smoke filled the room but slowly vanished revealing u and draco too see what U had just walked in on

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