Cold Blue Winter

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I should have listen to you when you said that this is my home
Here in the cold blue winter
I should have listen to you when you said that you'll left me alone
Here in the cold blue winter

I tried to rebuild that red-orange-yellow desire again in your heart
Here in the cold blue winter
I tried to rebuild that dead, aged, and burned desire again but turns to rust
Here in the cold blue winter

Remembering the rush and the blush when you say forever is in us
Here in the cold blue winter
Remembering the love that I once have then you say forever won't last
Here in the cold blue winter

Changing myself and walking out of my ghost in the shell
Here in the cold blue winter
Changing myself but memories are demons taking me to hell
Here in the cold blue winter

Years will pass, months ahead, weeks will rust, in a month I'm dead
Here in the cold blue winter
Fears won't pass, haunts ahead, weaks will crash, in a month I'm dead
Here in the cold blue winter

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