Nothing's True

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This is the perfect place
This is the sweet violent phase
This is the perfect escape
This is the sweet violent high
This is the perfect moonlight
This is the sweet violent smile

There is no wrong in here
There is no long for tears
There is no room for fear
There is no wrong in here
There is no wrong with beers
There is no wrong with cheers
There is no wrong in here
There is no wrong in here

We are on high, we are on fire
We are not tired until up to night
We will not cry, we will not die
We are not tired until up to night
Because in here
No one is wrong 'cause nothing's true

But when the sun comes up
I here no claps and laughs
I guess the wrong doings stop
I guess the violence' enough
Because I thought in here
No one is wrong 'cause nothing's true
But the truth is, in here
Everyone is wrong 'cause there are trues

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