Chapter one: The inheritance

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Hi, my name is Cody Orlove and this is the crazy story of my life with my love, Zoe. Let me take you back to the first inheritance. The year was 2018 and it was a sunny April day. I was scrolling on musically featured when suddenly my eyes were blessed with a blonde beauty. Can you see me over here, she lip-synced, should I just disappear? And she was gone from frame. I gasped. I've never seen such a perfect angle, and the lighting was immaculate. 'I need to meet this girl'I told myself. We met at McDonald's a week later and as soon as she walked in, I could feel my dick rising. She's filling me up! I thought. I suddenly rushed to the bathroom to let out the cum in the urinel, but I heard the door open and I shot around, surprised. Cum shot from my penis into Zoe's eye. I'm so sorry! I exclaimed. 'Don't worry' Zoe said 'I thought it was cute!' As she started to massage my foreskin. We fingered each other until one of the workers came in to clean. 'We should take this somewhere more private!' Zoe said, laughing. As soon as we got home we started making out intensely. I began to unstrap her bra strap and sucking her nipples. Zoe took off her pants revealing... A DIAPER!! 'I thought I should show you this before things get farther. Could you change me daddy?' She asked. I was surprised, and a little turned on. 'Of course princess.' I said. I took off the  warm wet diaper, revealing Zoe's pussy. 'You're so wet babygorl' i said. 'I'm sorry daddy!' Said Zoe. I didn't put another diaper on afterwards because I started and sliding my dick in her coochie. 'Fuck!' I said. 'Oh d-daddy!' Said Zoe 'it's so big!' 'You've been a good girl princess. Here's a treat.' I said as I started to eat her ass.  We fell asleep after I thanked her for the best sex I've ever had.

Zody: Coochie consequencesWhere stories live. Discover now