Chapter 7: Living Rich

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After Zoe and I moved into our la mansion, the kids became too much to manage. We decided that they were worthless so we fed them to my pet chimpanzee. At this point Zoe and I were also blowing up on tiktok so we were living out best life, until disaster struck.

One night, Zoe and I were sleeping in bed, when suddenly I was pushed into the floor. I tried to scream, but my mouth was covered in duct tape. I look up and see two girls standing over me wearing shirts that said h0rny. zlp and d1ldo.zlp. 'MMMPH MPH HUH!' I tried to talk but I couldn't. Hello Cody, my name is h0rny.zlp and this is my best friend d1ldo.zlp. We're here go steal Zoe from you. 'WHAUPF NO!' I said but it was too late. The girls started to pull down there pants revealing Zoe Laverne underwear wear that said Zoe Laverne in my coochie on there butt cheeks. Then they pulled those down.

I was horrified. They spread there butt cheeks apart to reveal matching tattoos that said I'm a dildo on the left cheek, to Zoe on the right cheek. They pulled Zoe's panties off and the room started to smell like fishy and mold. One of the girls pulled out a hotdog and sticked one end in Zoe's coochie and one end in hers. She started moaning and peeing. The other one put on one of Zoe's diapers that she hasn't worn in years. She started peeing and pooing and then turned a video cam on.

The girls pulled Zoe off the bed and pulled the hotdog out of her coochie. It was covered in brown goo that smelled like cat puss. They then stuck it in both of their assholes and pooed on it. Then they both crawled on to her and pooed onto her face and in her mouth. Then Zoe woke up.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2020 ⏰

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