Shining Stars

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'WE SHOULD MAKE PORN!!' Zoe exclaimed. I was a little nervous, but agreed. After all we're only doing it for money. Zoe and I got our sex toys, our lingerie and our diapers. We were ready.

I set up the camera and made us a script, but it was mostly improv. Zoe was going to sit on the ground and wet herself, then I would change her into a diaper and call her a bad girl. The rest would be improv. I watched as Zoe sat on the ground. She played around for about a minute when suddenly I saw a puddle of pee surrounding her. 'Oh no, daddy's gonna kill me!' That was my cue. 'What is going on here? I said angrily. 'I had an accident daddy..' Zoe said, pouting.  I turned Zoe over and slapped her butt cheeks hard fifteen times as she moaned. Zoe turned to face the camera as she spreaded her legs to expose her wet ass pussy. I put her in a diaper. 'No daddy' she expressed. 'I promise I'll be good' after I left Zoe peed in the diaper and stroked it gently as the diaper went from white to a light yellow color, but she wasn't done. She peed a little more and the diaper started to leak as she she sat down and bounced herself up and down, as pee was bursting out the sides she finished by showing the inside of the pee soaked diaper and fingering herself. after that and I hesitantly uploaded it to porn hub. We fell asleep on the concrete under a bridge with our four baby's close by.

Zody: Coochie consequencesWhere stories live. Discover now