Chapter five: Fame

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I awoke to my phone blowing up. I quickly jump up to check what was going on, and I couldn't believe it! Our video was already at 169k views! I immediately woke up Zoe and we sent a message to pornhub about our newfound fame. The next day, we were sent a check for 25k dollars. Zoe, me and our four children checked into a hotel.

During our stay at the hospital, we made tons of porn videos. And I had an idea. 'Let's make a part two to the diaper video!' I exclaimed. Zoe and I set up the camera and put our children in the bathroom so they wouldn't have to witness what was about to happen. It started out with Zoe lying in the bed. She pulled her pants and underwear off, spreaded  her legs and peed the bed. 'I've been a naughty girl!' She said. I slapped her but cheeks and stuck my fingers up her asshole. Then I licked them. Zoe finished with putting her butt really close to the camera, and then she pooed herself. Green and brown shit splattered onto the bed.

When we were done at the hotel, we had made 5m dollars making porn videos. We immediately checked out of the hotel, made a musically, and started searching for a house. We finally settled on a mansion in LA  but there was one problem. The kids needed to go.

Zody: Coochie consequencesWhere stories live. Discover now