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Too much into the night,the dingy godown smelled of smoke ,burnt meat and alcohol.The storm was still roaring outside but the occupants couldn't care less as their high pitched laughters echoed against the wet walls.Water dripped in through the crevices and a single light shone somewhere deep.When Taehyung pulled down the shutter,it only partially muffled the rain.He took off his long rain coat and casually threw it against the chair by the door.He wasn't very eager to meet his friends anyway and that was visible in the way he intentionally lagged ,but friends? The better word would be acquaintances.You don't make friends in this business, Taehyung had learnt it the hard way. Taehyung's feet tapped against the drenched floor as he walked into the their lair.Another round of laughter ran around the atmosphere and Taehyung dragged a metal chair along the floor to where the rest sat and that caught everyone's attention.

"The man of the hour!!",Hoseok stumbled out of his seat,raising a glass above his head and swaying lightly towards Taehyung.Taehyung slightly pushed him away, a shade of disgust shadowing over his face.He helped Hoseok back to his chair and the rest made loud noises in agreement to Hoseok's comment.Taehyung sat down and moved his head side ways to get rid of the fatigue that housed there.He had not slept well for the last few days with everything going on.

"Was there any news?", Taehyung said,rubbing his nape, a bit more harsh than he intended and it immediately turned red.Namjoon pulled his phone out and threw it towards Taehyung,"The motherfcker is arrested"
Hoseok laughed louder than the others ,"The invisible leader!! The great Kim Seokjin!!"
The two guys opposite to Taehyung sniggered to Hoseok's comment and one of them pushed a glass of whiskey towards Taehyung.Taehyung gently pushed the glass away,"I can't risk the hangover"

He scrolled through Namjoon's phone to see Kim Seokjin pressed up against a car,his hands being locked by the cops and that indeed did put a smile on Taehyung's lips.Namjoon awarded him a light pat,"Yoongi hyungnim is going to reward you"
Taehyung visibly scoffed,he knows well that Yoongi won't reward him in anyway.Maybe a few words of compliments but that was just about it.Taehyung knew their boss better than anyone, that's exactly why he was his right hand.It was why Taehyung was the most trusted.

"How much was it?", Someone asked from the other end.
"171 kilos of meth..all poof",Namjoon gestured in the air and Taehyung stretched his arms wide to the sides and Hoseok piped up,"They are out of our way then?"
"We can only have the best players in the field", Taehyung let out a small smile and watched Hoseok chug in the rest of his drink and howl in happiness.Taehyung bid a lazy goodbye as he made his way to their boss,the leader of the lot.

Min Yoongi was a materialistic man and he had always been loud about it and there was this certain aura he possessed,He never really explained anything in words.Always silent and calculative,there was no way he could go wrong in anything.He had closely followed his father's road but his father was a fool,thinks twice before he aims a gun but Yoongi barely makes that mistake.He knows his friends,he knows his foes,especially those who wants him dead.Be it illegal arms deal between secret organizations and governments or swarm of drug packages under water, Yoongi had the blue print etched into his mind like the way he knew the back of his hand.He was undeniably the best player Taehyung mentioned in the field.Yoongi was the kingpin,there was no question about that.

That until the self proclaimed 'The Invisible one' Kim Seokjin walked in,noone had seen how he looks like or how his network was but there he was.Despit that Yoongi had seen him,known him all too well.He remembered just how he stood infront of the giant doors of his house,a gun tucked behind him and demanding.Yoongi was barely out of his teen years when that happened, had gotten over so much after and now Seokjin was just another person to him,just another threat to Yoongi who wanted to take over the north.

North was Kim Seokjin's and Yoongi knew that even before he walked into the lair.But from tonight it doesn't belong to him anymore,stripped bare of his identity,Kim Seokjin stood infront of the crowd.His face would be on every newspaper and every channel,The invisible one,Yoongi already had a good laugh himself replaying the evening telecasts.

Taehyung was the only one who doesn't have to knock the door to visit Yoongi.
"Hyungnim",Taehyung called as he rounded the table to come face to face with Yoongi and Taehyung saw the smile his boss had,the one reserved for absolute celebrations.This was indeed one such night.Yoongi stood up,his hand deep in his pocket and a drink in the other hand.He set his glass down and pulled another from his drawer,poured in his most expensive wine.He pushed the glass slightly towards Taehyung and before Taehyung could decline,he said,"For tonight.."

Taehyung zipped his lips and slightly shifted posture as he watched the red wine swirl around the glass before taking a light sip.
"I knew you won't fail me",Yoongi said as he took his seat again and Taehyung didn't reply.To Taehyung ,good things and bad things happen often,he doesn't like to dwell on them both.He lived life single day at a time.When Yoongi noticed Taehyung had blanked out,he tapped lightly on the table bringing him back to earth,"You did a good job",He repeated the same notion in different words and Taehyung barely nodded.

He downed the rest of the bitter liquid into his mouth,"I need rest, I haven't slept for days"

And Yoongi understood that, Taehyung was out and on the tail of Kim Seokjin.Yoongi gave him a nod,a permission to leave and the younger walked out.Before the door shut against it's frames,he remembered to say,"You own Hanguk now, Congratulations"


Taehyung's next ride took him home,he was not very sure why he even calls it home.The godown was more like a home to him than this double roomed mess.He wasn't basically an untidy person,things were kept where they should be but there was not enough place for anything.Not to mention the countless gifts Namjoon had dumped in.Taehyung kicked the door shut and took off his shirt, he was drenched in the rain head to foot,he was in need of a bath and much awaited sleep.The mirror reflected the gash down on his chest that went down to his abdomen,he ran a lazy hand over that old scar.Taehyung stepped into the cold shower and let the water wash away the clouded worries and let himself relax for his hardwork.

A/n: I edited.

Prayer circle activation for me to stick to the plan and end this book this year itself..thankyou for joining,say amen

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