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"I have to go", Taehyung told a sleepy Jimin,his eyes barely opening,in confusion.He tried to get up fast as Taehyung grabbed the keys.The younger caught him just before he stumbled forward and cupped his face.He studied Jimin's face etched with worry.Jimin's hands clutched the side of Taehyung's shirt.

"What happened, Taehyung?"
"Someone..someone I know died"
"Is it safe for you to go?"
"I have to go,I want you to go find your mother"
"Will I see you again?"
"Jimin,it is not good for you to see me again", Taehyung slipped few notes of wons inside Jimin's pocket.Jimin was still trying to hold onto the younger.
"Noone will come look for you,I'll make sure of that", Taehyung promised and Jimin pulled him close,"Taehyung.."
Taehyung studied Jimin's eyes,his soft pleading eyes and he dropped his head down to kiss the elder.He kissed him like it was the last time he could do so.
"Go home,Jimin"

Before Jimin could reach for him, Taehyung threw the door open and walked out on him.Jimin stood there frozen.


"It was an unprecedented attack and we had no choice but to retaliate.Somehow they had known my team and I were camping here together -",Jungkook was saying,spoting few bruises on his neck as he talked to the press,several mics shoved infront of his face.
"There has been a rumour that Jung Hoseok was not part of the group that attacked yesterday and he was arrested days before,what do you have to say about that?",someone asked from behind.
"I do not know where these kinds of ideas are coming from.If Jung Hoseok was arrested,we wouldn't be keeping him in our apartment.We would have brought him before the court.I have been and still am toiling my entire career to arrest Chongro and Dul gomeul mobsters,I wouldn't take it lightly if I ever lay hands on them",Jungkook ran a hand through his hair.
"If that is the case,who were the people who attacked yesterday?what was their motive?"
"It was from Dul gomeul gang,they are not happy since the task force had arrested their leader,Seokjin"

Jungkook answered the rest of the questions vaguely,before bowing and getting through the crowd to his team.

Jangmi passed him his phone,"How's it?"
"They don't know which gang Jung Hoseok belonged to so we are going to keep up that he is part of Dul gomeul"
"But people would eventually find it once they see the mark on skin,they would all have the gang tattoos",Jangmi mused and Jungkook only smiled,sending a glance towards Kyung win who had an identical smile.

"What did you do?"

"Made sure no tattoos are seen",Kyung won shrugged,earning a friendly slap on his arm from Won shik.

"Impressed",Jangmi had to add.


Yoongi's eyes glare at Jungkook on the screen.There was an eery silence except for the static of the Television.Everyone in the room looked like they were suddenly sobered up from a resting dream.
"They are building a story,they are saying Hoseok went there to avenge Kim Seokjin..what in the actual fck?!! Hyungnim,we must do something",Namjoon broke the silence cautiously,his blood boiling at the sight of Jungkook.

"Hoseok deserved it! He disobeyed Hyungnim",Someone from the back said and Yoongi looked up through the crowd.Sooho,who help control Yoongi's territory in Gwanju,was the brave one.
Yoongi raised a hand and beckoned him closer.Sooho ran his tongue over his lips as he strutted forward.
"Yes,Hyungnim",He nodded his head a little.
"Since you know so much,what do you think we should do now?"
Sooho shifted his weight from one leg to the other,"Hyungnim,Let me go..I'll fcking kill that bastard Jeon Jungkook"

Yoongi stood up and beckoned Sooho more closer.He threw his hand around the guy's shoulder.
"How long have you been working with me?",Yoongi asked.
"four years,hyungnim"
"In that four years,what have you learnt?"

Sooho went silent as if he was picking the right words and wondering what the right answer could be.
"Ruin anyone who comes in our way",He said,not daring to look at Yoongi.
"Wrong",Yoongi scanned the crowd in front of him, "Sooho ya,I try to find out why there is even someone on our way? And no one dares to go against Chongro unless they have someone who backs them up"
"You are saying Jeon Jungkook and Seokjin had formed an alliance,hyung?",Namjoon piped up
"Nothing new,Namjoon but -"

The shutter of the garage got pulled up at the other end in a deafening sound.Some drew guns, some stepped forward to check.The sound of footsteps against the floor echoed and they saw Taehyung pulling off his hood as he walked over.

"Spy.. they've got a mole among us", Taehyung said,coming to stand infront of them.


"Hyungnim,Are you happy?!"

Seokjin laughed at the cheerfulness from the other side.He tilted his head at the screen,Jungkook briefing the media.
"Happy is an understatement.There should be another word.."
The voice laughed,"Hyungnim.. Find the word soon then,you might need it cause guess Kim Namjoon is going to come after me"
"To avenge Hoseok?"
"Haha,No...To comfort me,good old fashioned love, Hyung ",Hwasa blew out white smoke into the air,her legs crossed over the lifeless body of Jae as Dulgomeul's mob beat the hell out of Jae's men.

"Gyeongi do is your's now"
"As expected"

A/n: Did you guess the spy right?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2023 ⏰

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