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Jungkook's team stood just outside the commissioner's office waiting for their team lead and they could hear commissioner's loud shouts from the other side of the door.Jangmi exchanged a nervous glance with Jun seo and sighed.It had been close to an hour since Jungkook had gone in and since then, the commissioner had been screaming his head off.Won shik was lightly dozzing off when Jungkook finally opened the door.The quartet waited for him to say something but Jungkook just mumbled,"f*cking assholes" as he walked away.The team closely followed and noone dared to ask anything until they finally was at the parking lot and Jungkook angrily kicked the sign post.
"What was this about,sir?",Jangmi finally asked and Jungkook sighed,anger evident as he breathed,"The old shit was threatening to take me off the task force"

"What!! That's ridiculous",Jun seo voiced.
"We almost had Yoongi's right hand man",Won shik added to the mix and Jangmi nodded.
"Almost!! Almost had him,that's exactly why.For using resources and still not being able to catch him.I have failed countless times now",Jungkook stopped to look at his team and continued,"They want me to catch Yoongi within a month or they'll fire our team from the task force"

"What even- all these years they couldn't even track where Yoongi is and now they want us to catch him,what a joke!!",Kyung won said and the rest nodded in agreement.And then silent fell for a while before Jangmi said,"We don't have anything to start with, Kim Taehyung escaped as well.What do we begin with?"
"We are going to do our own investigation off grid without the resources but firstly I need a booze",Jungkook said as he got into his car.

Taehyung woke up to the searing pain on his shoulder and it hit him full swing when he tried to move mindlessly.His pain relievers must be wearing off and he squeezed his eyes shut.Taehyung groaned as he pulled himself up,trying to make sense of his surroundings.The grey ceiling gave it away that he was back at their base,safe and someone seemed to have cleared up the room for him.Taehyung supported his left arm,that was in heavy bandages and sling and tried to remember what had happened.All he could bring up was a faint memory of getting into an alley and calling up Hyunjin.He doesn't quiet remember anything after.
There were faint conversations coming from the other room and he was barely able to make out Hoseok's voice.Hoseok was supposed to be in Moscow,wasn't he? Taehyung pulled himself up off the bed and made his way to the other room.The room fell silent as soon as Taehyung pulled open the door.

Namjoon was the first one to greet him,"How are you?"
Taehyung doesn't think he could talk yet,barely make words for that matter so he nodded instead and Hoseok pushed a chair out for him but Taehyung quietly declined,wanting to feel his legs.
"Taehyung",Yoongi nodded lightly as he entered from the room on the opposite side.He threw away a baseball bat,smeared by blood,to the side and it bounced off making a loud sound.Yoongi wiped his hand off in an old towel,rubbing off blood from his knuckles.Hwasa followed closely from the room after Yoongi.
"You good?",She asked across the room and Taehyung nodded lightly.
"Give the boy some water",Yoongi said,directing at Kwang shik who grabbed the bat Yoongi abandoned in one hand and a bottle of water in the other.

"What's going on?", Curiousity got the better of him and Yoongi pulled the chair to take a seat and threw the towel away to the table.He grabbed another bottle of water to splash them onto his face.
"Park hyesuk?", Taehyung directed at Hwasa.
"Close",Hwasa said as she leant over to close the door Kwang shik disappeared into ,to muffle the cries and whimpers over Kwang shik's swearing coming from it,"Hyesuk left the country with the money,toChina..Got hands on his son instead"
Hoseok scoffed with a smirk,"You expect Hyesuk to be filial? He wouldn't come back for his son"

Hwasa didn't reply immediately,she ran a tongue over her front teeth and sighed,"His son and wife were left back,they were going to leave too.Hoseok..maybe you shouldn't be so haste in judging"
Before Hoseok could reply,Yoongi interrupted,"Good job, Hwasa.The boy can be ransomed.I don't want the money,but I have a shot with his father's name on and if the son is the way-",Yoongi stopped and tilted his head,"that be it"

Silence fell when Yoongi wiped his face off his sleeves and leant back into his chair.Hyunjin cleared his throat before speaking,"Hyungnim,We should leave the base deserted for a while",Yoongi turned his sideways to catch Hyunjin's glance,he continued,"They tracked Taehyung to Daegu,What if they know this place too.We should move away and on that note, Taehyung,I think you should go into hiding too"

Taehyung wanted to protest despite knowing Hyunjin's got a point.He wanted to say he'd be back in shape in few days but his shoulder begged to differ.Like already having read Taehyung's mind,Hyunjin said,"Your shoulder blade is broken, Taehyung.You need to be resting now"
"But where?",Hoseok asked, concerned.
"Busan, ofcourse",Namjoon mentioned Chongro's safe place and everyone went silent.Not agreeing or disagreeing.
"It's clear they are after us,anticipated actually..but how did they even find you",Hyunjin commented.
"Seokjin",It was more of a question than statement from Taehyung and everyone turned at Yoongi to confirm but Yoongi just shook his head lightly.The wind pushed open the door Hwasa had closed earlier,Kwang shik seemed to have stopped his rampage and Taehyung could see someone sprawled on the floor,blood all over it through the door crack.

"What about the boy,where do we keep him?",Hwasa walked over to stand next to Namjoon,much to Hoseok's dismay.Yoongi looked at Taehyung,"He will stay with you,Keep your eyes on him"
Taehyung didn't protest,he just nodded.He would do anything Yoongi asks of him,even if it is to stand gaurd to a hostage.That's the least he could do for now.
"Bring out the boy",Yoongi called out.

Taehyung first saw Park Jimin like this,a thin boy around his age,dark hair drenched in sweat and sticking to his forehead, bruises almost over all of his exposed skin,blood oozing out of his wounds,one of his eyes half closed and purple,legs too weak to hold himself up.Kwang shik pushed him and he fell over to the floor,painting red all over.

Kim Taehyung saw Park Jimin for the first time like this,in his most vulnerable moment,in broken shards and tears.

A/n:finally Jimin is here

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