coming out with blood

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TW// depression, self harm, eating disorders, thoughts of suicide, abuse

again a longer chapter:)



"please mum, i dont want to go again- i- ... yes, its just- ugh okay fine"

"hazza you okay?" he sighed walking into my bedroom plopping himself down on the bed. "you seem tense, come give me a cuddle" he scooted over climbing under the covers, to where i was sitting with my laptop.

"she wants me to continue with the therapist after what happened yesterday and the few days prior" he curled up into my chest letting out another soft sigh

i looking down at him at him with a soft smile "dont you think its for the best?"

"i dont know, i mean i didnt have another attack yesterday" he tried to reason with me "so its not that big of a deal" shrugging this whole topic off

"im not the one to tell you, but i think itll be good for you"

"i guess" his soft breathing hitting my chest "we go back to school tomorrow and-"

"harry weve put it off for so long"

"i know its just i was ready for it ever since- the uh you know"

i pulled him in closer to my chest ruffling his curls which made him whine like a two year old. "ive been thinking about my sexuality a while lately. i think ive found it"

"and what is it exactly" he smiled up at me.

"i was thought i was bisexual, but the more i think about it im pretty sure im pan"

his eyes light up like a thousand suns "baby im so proud of you" he practically jumped on top of me hugging me tightly.

"thank you" i replied smiling hearing his beautiful giggle. "so are we going to-"

"fuck it" he instantly replied. "so what, babe i realized exactly why i was hesitant about coming out to people. fucking hell those dumbass dont know shit. we have people who support us and thats more than enough"

"really opened your eyes since thursday huh?" i pulled him back down from his sitting position into my chest, he wrapped his arms around my quite quick.

"yeah, guess it did" he smiled, i leaned down planted i kiss onto his lips. "are you ready though?" he pulled away

"i think i am, hopefully"


i woke up the next morning my alarm blaring in my ears. harry had gone back home last night so i woke up feeling cold, my arm wrapped around a pillow instead of him.

i frowned rubbing my eyes. i quickly made it to the shower. shampoo, conditioner, body wash. grabbing my towel i heard my phone go off

harold;) : miss you this morning:(

me: so did i:/

harold;) : gotta get ready see you soon xx

me: see you love:) xx

i smiled placing my phone down onto my bed and picking out one of harrys hoodies and black ripped skinnies. i slipped on my vans, grabbed my bag and keys and made my way down to my car.

i had already forgotten it took five minutes to get back to his place, since he had been over almost every night since i had moved in.

"hi louis!" anne called from the porch waving. i waved back as harry climbed into the passengers seat. "ive missed you" i said kissing his cheek.

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