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TW// self harm, depression, thoughts of suicide, eating disorders, abuse

this is a longer chapter :)

also this picture has nothing to do with the chapter. i mean none of them do i just find photos i like and bless your eyes with them

youre welcome ig



the last week had been amazing, all the girls helped decorate harrys house. along with anne and gemma. harry and i had gone shopping for both of our familys. plus the amount of hot chocolate we have been drinking is insane.

"psst, lou wake up" harry whispered in my ear.

"too early" i mumbled shoving my face under my pillow. "five more minutes" i shooed him away.

"you have till i am done with breakfast" he said, his voice more chirpy than usual.

"mhmm" a sound came out of my mouth before falling asleep again. in what felt like two seconds he came back in the room, the smell of bacon filling the air. i instantly opened my eyes.

"oh look whose up now eh?" he laughed out. the house was quiet, just harry and i. all the girls moved back in with mark within days. mark and i have been catching up, hanging out alone. i am starting to slowly trust him again.

yet he still hasnt met harry. im kind of nervous for them to finally meet since harry looks like he wants to murder him anytime his name is mentioned.

"just for the bacon" i sat up smiling.

"ha ha" he said sarcastically. "happy birthday baby" he whispered sitting down next to me. "youre nineteen" he smiled leaning over for a kiss.

"thank you lovely" i whispered across his lips with a smile. he slowly pulled me in closer deepening the kiss, our tongues fighting for dominance.

"well come on breakfast is going to get cold" he smirked pulling away.

"you tease" i laughed out following him out of bed. we walked into the kitchen and i saw a fresh plate of chocolate chip pancakes with a side of scrambled eggs and bacon. as i stared at the food i couldnt decide if i was getting hungry or getting less hungry.

"i made a lot because gemma and mum are going to be here soon" he tells me as he notices my discomfort with it all. "you can whatever amount you want, just as long as you try and keep it in"

"thank you hazza" i threw my arms around him trying not to cry. "howd you know this is my favourite?" i asked.

"little birdy told me" he smiled as two people entered the house.

"wheres my favourtie son?" anne quizzed walking into the house.

"im your only son" harry said rolling his eyes. his hand placed on my back.

"not you! louis!" she scoffed "happy birthday darling" she smiled opening her arms for a hug which i gladly accepted.

"thank you" i replied.

"hi L happy birthday" gemma said pulling me in for a hug as well.

harry walk out of the kitchen only to return with a blue and white stripped gift bag "well go on open it" anne practically begged.

"mum breakfast is going to be cold" harry pouted. we then all gathered around the table to eat, i ate as much as i could. half a pancake a few bites of egg and a small piece of bacon.

"im proud of you" harry whispered to me as anne insisted to clear our plates.

"its from all of us" he smiled rehanding me the gift

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