Chapter 14

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"How is she, what is going on!!" Nick was badgering the doctor with questions. Your entire team was there. Rafeal walked in just as the doctor was briefing on the severity of your injuries. 

"What's the news?" Barba asked standing at Olivia's side.

"Her vitals are stable for now but we need to.." All of a sudden the woman stopped talking. Her eyes closed for a second. "Doctor?" Carisi asked. When her eyes reopened they were all shocked at the golden hue now present. Barba was astonished.

"Nick." The monotone voice of the nurse made everyone visibly freeze. "What's going on!" Barba demanded.

"There's only one person who can..." the nurse smiled and Nick gasped. "(Y/N)?" the women nodded. "We don't have a lot of time, come with me." He didn't question it. Everyone else in the room was stumped, especially Barba who was still trying to figure out what exactly was going on. He grabbed Olivia's hand, halting her. 

"Liv what the hell is-" Olivia took his hand. "Barba just..I need you to trust me. Can you do that." 

The look in his eyes was that of a very startled person. Yet, one look from Olivia made him want to believe in anything right now. So he did. He placed his trust in the woman who often drove him mad, but usually had the best interest at heart. If she wasn't affected by this, then he could find it in himself to have faith in her. There had to be an explanation behind it all. "Alright." She smiled, still holding his hand as they walked down the hall. As they moved through the hospital, Nick was stunned that no one had stopped them yet.

There wasn't a security or doctor in sight. When they got to a room, the doctor opened the door. The smell of sterilizers immediately caught their noses. Amanda covered her nose at the powerful scent. There was something else in the air. They all trailed in, one by one.

"We shouldn't be back here, it's an operating room. " Barba wasn't wrong about that. It took them a while to notice the many bodies of what looked like doctors on the floor. There was also an alarming amount of blood. And someone sprawled out on the silver table. Amanda looked down a bit horrified. "Don't worry, they aren't dead, just unconscious. That's why I brought you here." They were still very much puzzled. When they finally recognized the figure on the operating table, troubled looks were present around the room. Nick's stomach dropped at the sight of the bloodied female. (Y/N)!!" He moved to your side briskly, careful to evade the unconscious doctors.

All he could see was much blood. Your skin was paler than he'd ever seen. Tubes attached to your body.

"W-Why do all this, they are trying to save you." Carisi argued. The doctor shook her head.

"They can't save me. Only my friends can. That's why I need your help. They have the technology to assist me. If the doctors here tried to cut into me any further, they would have died. " Olivia's eyes widened at the information.

"W-What do you mean?"

"My powers are....when I'm unconscious I can't keep it under my control. The last time I got hurt like this I...I almost blew up an entire hospital room. " You could see the alarm behind their gazes."My DNA isn't like anything they've ever dealt with. That's why I need to get back to Central City. I've taken the consciousness of this woman because it was the only way for me to get to you. My friends can come here, but I need the cameras in this room to be disabled. Barry and Cisco can't come through a breech unless they know its safe. Usually I would have taken them out myself but I'm already pushing my limits with just controlling this body. I can't navigate anymore of what's left anywhere or I'll lose her altogether. "

Carisi was starting to get the picture. "Alright. Amanda and I will deal with the computers. " She nodded, following him out of the room.

Nick was still looking at the woman standing before him. He could see you..he knew it was you by the glow of your eyes. But the body wasn't. His eyes drifted back to your bloodied form on the metal table. You looked down. 

"I'm sorry you have to see me like this Nick. I-I never wanted to hurt you. I really had no idea he would actually shoot. I thought I could have made it in time just to save that kid and.." he walked over placing his hand on your cheek. "It's alright. You don't have to explain. You have these powers, even if you could you would have been revealing yourself to all those kids. That would have been far worse if anyone else found out. We..people have a hard time dealing with things they don't understand. "

Ain't that the truth.

"It's all well and good but would someone please explain to me what the hell is going on!" you could practically see the steam pouring out of Barba's ears. He was confused, probably frightened. Anger must have been his defense mechanism. You stepped over to him, and he fought the urge to just bolt out of there. This random doctor was standing there looking at him with glowing eyes. "I should have told you earlier, this wasn't really how I imagined you'd find out about me."

"Why are you talking to me like we've met before?" You just wore a small smile. "I promise when I get better I'll explain everything. " Barba was just left gaping. Olivia gripped his hand, bringing his focus back. "We all will." she added.

Nick's phone rang, causing him to jolt. He patted around his body, searching for the device. When he found it he pressed the button, answering.

"Yeah, you got it. Alright thanks." He hung up the phone. "Carisi got the feeds down. You have about five minutes." You nodded, closing your eyes again. You turned when the breach opened right behind you. Barba' eyes were possibly the size of saucers now.

"Olivia is that a..."

"Just, don't freak out." she instructed. The statement was more for her than him. Three people jumped out of the blue swirling portal.

Nick recognized the two younger males, but the older one wearing a pair of glasses was a mystery to him.

"Hey guys." you waved. Barry rushed over, pulling you into a hug. You returned it. He must have been thinking the same as you. If they couldn't save you, this would possibly be the last time you saw each other.

"Allen, we have to hurry." Harry advised. Barry pulled away. "Right, right. " There wasn't time for proper greetings, Nick understood that. So he helped when he saw the three of them disconnecting the tubes attached to you. Harry looked over at Nick in wonder. He didn't miss the look of worry on the detective's face.

When all the cords were gone, Harry hoisted your body into his arms. Barry looked on at the other people in the room. The look of awe in their eyes would have been comical, if not for the severity of the situation. The door opening behind them made everyone turn. Carisi and Amanda entered, freezing when they saw the very real portal.

"Wow.." Amanda mumbled. Carisi couldn't utter actual words.

"You guys should get going. Those cameras will be on any minute. " You spoke. Harry agreed, moving to the breach with Cisco and Barry.

Your eyes moved to Nick, who was looking at your form in the arms of Harry like it was the last time he would get to see you. Your hands raised to his cheeks, pulling his focus to you. Without words you leaned up, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. He closed his eyes. Even though you were in a different body, for a second with his eyes closed, he couldn't tell the difference. He could almost smell your perfume. As if you were standing right next to him.

You pulled back slowly, opening your eyes. "I'll be back. I promise Nick. " You knew you shouldn't have told him that, but you couldn't help it. He looked so broken. It made you want to cry. Nick licked his lips. He reached down, hooking his hands around the back of your head and pulling you in for an intense kiss. It shocked you at first, but you matched his intensity, grabbing onto his shoulders to level yourself to his body. 

You weren't sure how long the two of your were standing there kissing, but when Nick pulled back he was panting. "Come back to me.." He whispered hoarsely. 

"I will." He finally released you. His head raised watching as Barry, Cisco and Harry stepped into the breach, one by one. As soon as they were inside the portal disappeared. The doctor you were previously controlling collapsed and Nick reached out, grabbing her before she could fully tumble to the floor.

For a minute straight the room was unnaturally quiet.

"I need a drink." Barba said, breaking the tension. Carisi smiled weakly.

"I think we all do." 

Nick Amaro (Law and Order SVU) AUWhere stories live. Discover now