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"Prince Tōya-"A scarred hand rises, silencing the speaker from whatever they were getting ready to say. The male who sat sadly at the same window for years didn't utter a word for the first minute then turns to face the speaker.

"It...It would seem you have a gift, my prince."Tōya nearly jumped from his seat! He couldn't believe it one bit but he needs to see it for himself. The only people who knew where he had been hidden away was his family.
So they haven't forgotten me!
That sparked a little bit of hope in his chest as he sprinted past the maid. Though he wanted nothing more than the empire to burn, there was this little hope in his heart that his mother, sister, and brothers still loved him just as much as he loved them.

When he arrived downstairs, there it was; being held up by a nervous butler. The maid and butler knew it wasn't from his family and yet they couldn't bring themselves to tell Tōya.
The white-haired male pulled the covering off without a second thought and the smile from his face dropped immediately.

The white-haired male pulled the covering off without a second thought and the smile from his face dropped immediately

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"Where...Where did this come from?"

"We have no idea, my prince. It was placed against the wall when I found it."The maid was unsure but the style was familiar to her eyes but it couldn't be who she believes it to be.
"Whatever, just hang it up somewhere. Find the artist-"

"His name is Onigasaki M/n, the future heir to the Onigasaki dukedom. I heard he was in Tokyo but I could be wrong... Anyhow, do you wish to travel around Okinawa? I have your necklace that will change your hair color."

"Sure."Tōya was disappointed in the outcome and himself, what was he thinking? He knew his family abandoned him when the younger was born with both quirks, all that he trained for was now reduced to nothing in a matter of five years.

Now that Tōya was currently moving through the area of the empire he called home for several years, all he did was visit his favorite places, chat up a few people, and blend in without a problem, he did on occasions get a  comment on how he resembles the long lost Crown prince, from someone drunk but nothing past that. The only reason why changing his hair color worked so well was because no Todoroki had black hair.

However, one person saw right through that simple disguise. The male swiftly makes his way towards Tōya without his knowledge, and when he was right behind Tōya; he leans down just a bit to whisper into his ear.
"What a simple disguise you have, prince Tōya~"Tōya immediately spun around to face the voice as it chuckles deeply from behind him.

"What a simple disguise you have, prince Tōya~"Tōya immediately spun around to face the voice as it chuckles deeply from behind him

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"I hope you got my painting. You look absolutely gorgeous, it's like you belong in the renaissance age- Oh where are my manners!
I'm Onigasaki M/n, it's an honor to meet you."Tōya grabs the taller male by the wrist and drags him away from town, once far enough Tōya stops walking then turns to glare at M/n.
"How did you find me."

"I have my ways, now it's my turn to question you! Aren't you tired of hiding?"

"Wha-What?"M/n flashes Tōya a charming smile then slowly starts to circle the royal figure.
"Aren't you tired of people assuming you're dead half the time? I mean I would be, but that's just me. It's so sad, one moment you're on top of the world making big plans then you're at your lowest low."

"How dare you mock me!"

"Oh? Do you think I'm mocking you? I wouldn't dare do something so childish, just stating the obvious. I'm in no way trying to offend you; my mouth tends to get me into trouble in two different ways. Anyway, I just want to aid you in getting your spot back."

"Now why would you do that?"Tōya asked with genuine curiosity all the while watching the man cautiously.
"Because if I have you back into a position of power, I'll be free to do whatever I wish! You have no idea what it feels like to be tethered to the Todoroki empire until the next emperor becomes of age to marry. I'm disgusted just thinking about it. Do you understand what I'm talking about?"

"... He's conducting a quirk marriage, isn't he?" M/n; now standing in front of Tōya nods then rolls his eyes at the whole idea of marriage to someone younger than he is.
"You'd think that since it's a modern age, things like forced marriage would be over but who am I. I'm willing to give you everything, even the empire itself to escape my bondages."

A/n; that above (and three others) will mark when the chapters end!

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A/n; that above (and three others) will mark when the chapters end!

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