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After an hour or two dinner was on the table and both males were called down to eat, however, no one expected dinner to be so...Well so damn awkward. Deep down Tōya had his regrets for slapping M/n but then again he would slap M/n again in a heartbeat.
"Why so serious-"

"Dear gods, you sound like that villain from that American comic."

"There were also movies too, and what's wrong with the Joker? I think he's pretty cool, I would love to tear into him in a lovely one on one!"Tōya could practically see sparkles shining around the man across from him.
"I feel like you have a type for broken people if you like the joker that much."

"You're not wrong..."M/n said in a mumble but all Tōya caught was the end of what he said and shrugged his shoulders, though, M/n wanted to tease the prince just because.
"So is this relationship a master and pet type thing or..."

"What the hell kind of thought is that?!"

"Only kidding... Or am I?" Tōya scoffs at M/n then continues to eat his food like before. The dusk haired male chuckles then follow suit, as he did so, Makimura was watching him closely, a bit much for his liking.
"Miss Makimura- Oops~ I mean Maki."

"Maki...mura? As in Itsuki Makimura!? What the hell is going on here?!" M/n laughed as horror flashes onto Makimura's face, Tōya was confused because the empire's best war healer has been by his side for years without his or anyone else's knowledge. M/n stood from his seat and walt's over to Makimura.
"Sorry, couldn't help myself~" Makimura drops a dagger from his sleeve to attach M/n but the dangerous male grabbed the dagger by the blade.
"Awe, are you mad? He was going to figure it out soon when your dad's trumped-up troops came a knocking on that beautiful mahogany door. I overheard him speaking to my father about you. They know you're here in Okinawa, that was my original reason for coming here but I found a better reason."Makimura clenched her hand holding the dagger, with a bit reconsideration; retaining to the man she just attempted to attack. She yanks the blade back, cutting M/n's hand even more.

A hush fell over the dining room, all that could be heard was the dripping of blood onto the marble flooring below their feet.
"Makimura, apologize, and heal him."


"Makimura. Do as you're told...I'll deal with your punishment later but for now, heal my guest and your fellow war partner so we can finish dinner."Makimura angerly did as told then excused herself from the dining room entirely.
"That could have waited...I nearly choked on my food. You're so ill-mannered."

"Honestly it couldn't have waited. His men are on the way here, they'll arrive soon, so take everyone and hide them and yourself. I'll take care of them as my first act of good faith, how's that?"

"What will you do with Makimura."

"Demanding aren't we? I was going to hand her over to them but...She saved my life a couple of times, so I feel as if I'm in debt to her and I hate feeling like I owe someone. Not only that you seem to care for her greatly, so who am I to take her away just like that?"Tōya blinks while looking at the male for a moment then stands from his seat only to bark out a few orders to the staff to take shelter in the hidden room in the kitchen.
"Some would call you the devil you know?"

"Right they are. I am the devil but did you know that the devil was once an angel?"

"What does that have to do with you?"

"I wasn't always this bad. Now hurry along, they're on the pathway. Anyway, Makimura will need a new phone and I'll modify it so this never happens again...Now she owes me."
M/n walks off to the main door then swings them open just in time.
"Can I help you lot?"

"Sir Onigasaki!?"

"Yes, what do you want? Speak now or I'll kill all of you for wasting my time."M/n displays one dangerous glare at the people that were there to take Makimura. The ringleader shakingly steps forward to display a holographic image of Makimura.
"Ha-Have you seen her? Our GPS signal leads us here...Is it okay if we check the area?"

"Do as you please, just don't touch anything you're not supposed to...Which means everything."M/n steps aside to allow the group of seven inside. The ringleader situated himself near the war demon and watched as the others broke into three groups to search.
"Hm? Oh, what a beautiful painting sir."

"Did I say you could ogle at it for free?"

"S-Sorry sir!! It's just so lifelike..."

"Keep staring and I'll take your wallet."


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