Thank you dobby! Now I need you to go to the Weasleys tell them I'm a friend of ginnys and I'm not a bad Malfoy ok! Hey I'm back Ginny I may have made he who must not be named pass out. OOP Ginny says.. anyways we should go to bed. Gn Ginny Gn Jillian. You wake up get ready and go to broomstick riding class you see Cedric and he smiles and you smile back :) he gives you a note that says womping willow 10 pm ;) so after all of your classes and at dinner you tell Ginny. CEDRIC DIGGORY ASKED ME TO GO TO THE WOMPING WILLOW AT 10! Omg Jillian Cedric basically asked you out- WOOHOO 🥳 And you see Harry sit down and you say I'm very sorry Harry I didn't mean it like that.. it's okay Jillian Malfoy... he says. You get done eating and get ready so you sneak out then you see Cedric and he says Jillian over here! You go running to him and he smiles and says wanna sneak around hogwarts it'll be fun.. sure Cedric :) you guys see Snape and Cedric bursts out laughing and I say Cedric SHUSSH and before we knew it we were both sitting in snapes office and he was yelling at us. WHAT ARE YOU GUYS WALKING AROUND AT THIS hour! Cedric tries not to laugh and I'm laughing so hard BOTH OF YOU ENOGH AND ANSWER MY QUESTION. I say umm why would I need to do that Professor? You smile and wink at Cedric. Snape says Because I told you so. But he does this spell where he can read back in your memory.. sneaking around hogwarts and you guys were gonna bang in the bathroom wow.. come on Professor dumbledoors office now. Snape walks in front of us and he knocks on the door and dumbledoor says Yes Professor Snape? I've got too kids sneaking around at this hour trying to bang in the bathrooms names dumbledoor says? Jillian Malfoy and Cedric Diggory. Come in guys. You know your breaking like 50 school rules! Yes sir I know you and Cedric say. Ok dumbledoor says I'll cover for you guys this time next time you do it both of you expelled. You hold cedrics hand on the way out then once your in the halls you and Cedric kiss then you see Snape coming and you quicky spread apart. You hide between too doors and Snape says to Cedric where's your little girl friend Diggory? Umm I'm not sure.. then before you know it Professor mgonagal grabs you out of the too doors and says i found her. Aw shit Cedric says! CEDRIC WHY WOULD U SAY THAT! Cedric says well I didn't to lol enough you guys! It's 1 am not social time Professor Snape I will escort Jillian back to her dorm you escort mr Diggory to his.

An angel that was ment to be a devil
FantasiShe's a Malfoy of course but there's a different side to her read this story to find out her story :)