25:Do You See, You're The Reason I Can't Sleep?

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-veronica's pov-

I call Aria freaking out slightly, my period was late. Chris is at the studio. I'm kind of excited. She answers

Ronnie   Aria

Hey best frend

Hi, I was just getting ready to call. What's up?

Uh, i'm kind of freaking out right now.

Same. Why? What's wrong?

My period is three weeks late,are you busy right now?

First thing, same. Second thing. No, but I don't wanna leave Awsten by himself for very long. Why?

I have some pregnancy tests, want to come over and wait with me? And maybe see if you are? Wait why? Is everything ok?

Yeah, I'll be over in a bit. I'll explain when I get there but the short answer is no.

Ok i'll see you in a bit, love ya

Love ya too.

Chris comes home for lunch in an hour. I'm bouncing my leg as I'm waiting for Aria to show up. She pulls up  and lets herself in. she says as she's putting her stuff down.''Okay, hi, hello, panicking. Long story short Gracie's in the hospital, unconscious, I'm her emergency contact, let's get this over with" she spoke and I looked at her like she was out of her  mind but i went with it anyways. We head upstairs to Chris' and i's bathroom and take a few tests. We waited five minutes.  While we did we talked."What the hell happened? And why are you her Emergency contact?" I spoke and  she sighed.

"She was scratching at already open self harm scars and she passed out. We put me down as her emergency contact because she didn't want their mom knowing and I didn't want Awsten to be checking his phone every two minutes"  Aria spoke and I just stared at her for a minute.

"Wow" I spoke and she just sighed. By the time she had finished explaining what had happened our waiting time was up.

"Okay, we'll look for eachother. On three. Ready?" Aria spoke and i agreed.

"One... Two... Three.." We both spoke and looked at each other's tests and smiling.

"I take it we're gonna need gift bags?" she spoke and i laughed.

"Yes ma'am" i spoke and she ran downstairs to grab the ones she had brought with her.

While we were wrapping them up she  got a call from an unfamiliar number. I put it on speaker once I realized who it was.

Aria   Daphne

It's Jawn, I know you guys aren't on good terms but this is kinda important, like really important

She was sobbing on the other end of the line...

Daphne what happened? Are you okay?

He's gone, Ari, He was driving home from work, and he got hit by a drunk semi truck driver.

Oh my god.

she watched as i  tried to conceal her laugh.

Do you need anything?

No, I'm okay. Just thought you guys  would wanna know.

Okay, I'll get the news to Awsten when I see him.

She hung up the phone and Aria and I both burst out laughing.

"Okay okay. I'm not gonna say that he deserved it. But karma's a bitch" I spoke and she just laughed.

"True that." I should call Awsten, have him come over" she spoke and I agreed.

Chris comes waltzing through the door, and says "honey i'm home for lunch at least." i go over and kiss him and say "shh aria's on the phone, and i have a few surprises for you. But you'll have to wait until Awsten gets here." he says "ok sweetheart. I'm ready for it."  Aria walked back towards me .

"Hey Chris! Awsten's on his way over, I have to pee, so come get me if my phone rings'' she says. And I say "will do." when she came back Awsten was on the couch, we hand them the gift bags and watch them open them. Chris looks up at me and back at the test, and then back at me. He jumps up and shouts "im gonna be a father again!" he picks me up smiling and spins me around. He gets on his knees and kisses my belly and starts talking to the baby. "Hey there little one/s don't rush it please. And just know you will be spoiled by your dad alone." I teared up and smiled. He is gonna be the best dad.

Eternally yours// Chris CerulliWhere stories live. Discover now