4:she's so lovely

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-chris' pov-

The  band had gone out to party, and I sat on the bus with Ronnie. I heard her screaming "No, stop. Please!" I ran to her bunk and shook her awake. She shoots up and clings onto me for dear life. I pull Ronnie out of her bunk and into mine with me. We just layed there  until we both fell asleep. I loved every minute of it.  We wake up the next morning and Vinny is just staring at us.

-veronica's pov-

I was sitting on my phone, when the guys came in with cake balloons and screaming the happy birthday song. Chris said "I know you didn't want to do nothing big for your birthday, but we wanted to spoil you." I get tears in my eyes and say "you guys are truly the best friends a girl could ask for."  We eat cake and talk,Chris disappears for a minute and comes back with a box. He sits it down in my lap, and says "open it." I tore it open and it was the latest  macbook. I scream "Chris Ceruli you did not get me a new laptop!" he says "i know you have been needing a new one." i look at him and say "I'm paying you back for this." He says with a smirk "you could pay me back by being my girlfriend?" I bite my lip and smile and say "I thought you'd never ask Chris, yes I will."

I kissed him, and went to get ready, because we were going out for my birthday, I invited Pete. we all finished getting ready, Pete was late like usual. When he showed up, he handed me a present. I opened it and saw the small necklace he gave me, when we first became friends. I look up at him "you kept this all these years?" he said " it was the only thing that kept me going." I hug him and get him to put it on. We headed to the club and the boys started buying me drinks. Chris and I started dancing, him shooting glares at any guy who looked at me the wrong way.

I go get a drink,Chris watching me from the dance floor. I go back to Chris. And dance a little more before I noticed what was happening. Awsten knight had clearly said something to Pete to make him scared. I go check on him and make him come dance with Chris and I, and hopefully find him a new girlfriend.  I see Awsten and his friends staring at us. I raise my arms up to them, and they look away. I go get my camera from the car and come back taking pictures of Pete and Chris, and the boys. They all turned out perfectly, except the one Pete took of Chris and I kissing. I didn't care though I loved it. We leave soon after and I have to carry a very drunk Pete to his hotel room.  No way I was letting him drive. When I got him there I hid his phone so he wouldn't drunk dial anyone. And headed to the tour bus.

When i got back I took off my heels and quickly changed into one of Chris' shirts and crawled into his bunk cuddling up to him. I looked at him sleeping for a minute and smiled. I soon fell asleep myself.

Eternally yours// Chris CerulliWhere stories live. Discover now