Reader in Andy's Place

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I pulled back the wrapping paper to see a smiling freckled face. My heart swelled with joy.
"A Buddi Doll!" I exclaimed. I had been dropping hints to my mother, Karen, about wanting one of the dolls. Ever since they came out, I'd secretly wanted one very much. A loner like myself absolutely adored the thought of having an AI doll as a companion, someone I could always trust. Plus, the Buddi Dolls in question were adorable.
"I finally got the thing you're obsessed with," mom teased.
"Oh, thank you, mom," I cried, pulling her into a hug. "Thank you so much!"
I opened the box and took the doll out, placing him carefully in my lap and plugging my extension cord into his chest.
"Just remember it's refurbished, so it might not work perfectly," mom said.
"It's okay, I don't mind."
I downloaded the Buddi App on my phone, opening it and tapping furiously when it didn't work the first time.
Suddenly, a little jingle sounded from the doll and he began to move around, looking the apartment room up and down curiously.
"Your Buddi is now connected," a voice erupted from him.
The doll turned to look up at me, pausing a moment as his eyes flickered, then smiled.
"Hi. Are you my b-best b-b-buddy?" he asked.
I giggled with delight. "Yes, I am." I instantly reached out to hold him protectively to my chest, smoothing my fingers through his hair lovingly.
He grinned and scanned my face, making me blink in surprise.
"What's your name?" he chirped.
"I'm (Y/n)," I chuckled. He was even more adorable than I thought he would be.
"Hi, (Y/n)!"
My mom and I laughed at his bubbly demeanor. I curled my arms around him and continued to pet his hair.
"What's my name?"
I thought for a moment. "Hmm, how about-"
"Did you say Ch-Chucky?" he stuttered.
My mom cringed, but I smiled warmly and hugged the little doll closer. "Yeah, I did."
"Chucky. I like that. Ch-Ch-Chucky. I'm Chucky!" Chucky cheered. "What do you wanna do, (Y/n)?"
I snickered at his enthusiasm. "Maybe we can watch some TV?"
"I will do that. What's a TV?" Chucky cocked his head.
I chuckled fondly. "It's that thing," I pointed to the TV in front of us.
"I cannot process that command."
"Oh, wait a minute," mom broke in. "It says here that you gotta sync his knowledge base to the cloud before he can connect to any other Kaslan product."
I nodded and took out my phone, attempting to connect him to the cloud. As soon as I tapped the screen, Chucky began to convulse and splutter incoherently.
"I am unable to do that," he finally managed to say.
"Aww, are you okay, Chucky? I'm sorry!" I cradled him tightly, worried that I may have caused him damage.
He looked up at me and smiled, nodding.
I sighed in relief and held his head under my chin. "It's okay. You don't have to do that right now," I cooed.
My mom crumpled the instructions in frustration and tossed it aside. "Ugh, I didn't know this thing was gonna be so glitchy. Do you want me to take it back? I can try to get another one-"
"No! No, mom, don't. I don't mind, really. I love him," I quickly interrupted, hugging Chucky closer as a rush of protectiveness already came over me.
She gave a half smile, ruffling my hair. "Well, good. I'm off to bed, and you should be, too. You have school tomorrow."
I gave her a kiss goodnight and carried Chucky to my room. I couldn't wait to show him around his new home.
"This is my room. Well, I guess now it's our room," I mused as we walked through the door. I took him over to my desk where my sketchbook was opened to a current piece I was working on.
"This is my sketchbook. I really like to draw animals and monsters and stuff. I've been working on this piece for a while, but I'm probably never gonna finish it. It looks kinda stupid."
"I do not think it's stupid," Chucky murmured.
I looked down at him, slowly beginning to smile. "Really? You don't think it's stupid?"
He shook his head.
"Aww, thank you, Chucky," I gushed, hugging him to my chest gratefully.
I made my way to my bed and set Chucky down beside me as I began to take my shoes and socks off.
"Do you wanna sing the Buddi Song before bed?" Chucky asked.
I practically melted with adoration. I'd never thought that I'd have my very own Buddi right next to me, offering to sing me his sweet little song and provide me with endless love.
"Oh, of course, honey," I gathered him to my chest, rocking gently back and forth as he sang.
  "You are my buddy, until the end. More than a buddy, you're my best frieeeeeee-eee-euuuuu."
  He glitched out at the end of his song, but I didn't care. I fondly traced the features of his face with my thumb.
"Are we having fun now?" he piped.
"Yes, we are," I replied.
"Yay!" he cheered.
I burst out laughing at his enthusiasm, nuzzling my cheek against his head.
I yawned, realizing just how tired I was. Crawling under the covers with Chucky still in my arms, I lovingly set him down next to me. I tucked him in and snuggled up next to him, falling into a deep sleep before I could even tell him goodnight.

I awoke with a start, sensing that something was watching me. Looking up, I saw Chucky sitting upright next to me, gazing down at me with his big blue eyes glowing in the dark.
"Is it time to play again? A-Are we having fun now?" he whispered.
I rubbed at my eyes, squinting against the blue glow. "Chucky, what are you doing, bud?"
The android blinked, tilting his head slightly. "I wanna make sure my best buddy is safe."
"Honey, you don't need to do that. I don't want you to sit there all night by yourself. C'mere," I wrapped an arm around him and pulled him under the covers once more, enveloping him in a warm embrace. He grinned and clung to me happily.
I giggled. "See? Isn't that better?" I brushed some hair out of his face. "I appreciate you looking out for me, but I'd rather cuddle with my new best buddy."
I rested my chin on his head and closed my eyes, attempting to fall back asleep.
"You're my best friend, (Y/n)," he whispered.
My heart ached with affection. "You're my best friend, too, baby," I replied, tucking some hair behind his ear. "I'd stay up with you all night if I could, but I have to go to school tomorrow. That's why I gotta get some sleep, okay, sweetheart?"
"Okay," he murmured.
I nestled my face against his, closing my eyes again.
Suddenly, Chucky began to quietly sing the Buddi Song, but it didn't bother me. I felt touched that he constantly wanted to please me with his singing.
  "Aww, that was beautiful, honey. Thank you so much," I gushed.
  "I'd do anything for my best b-buddy," he piped.
I smiled from ear to ear, squeezing the doll tight as I began to drift back into sleep. I knew that from this moment on, I would be happier than I had been in years.

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