Basement Bust

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I walked down the hallway of the apartment building, my hands in my pockets as I headed back to my car after visiting a friend.
On my way, I passed a rough looking man clutching a dirty blanket with something concealed inside. Curiously, I glanced behind me once he had passed and saw him opening a door to what I presumed to be the basement. Only then did the blanket come loose a little, allowing for me to see the top of some ginger hair.
Is that... a Buddi Doll?
My heart instantly clenched. What was this guy doing with a Buddi Doll, and why was he trying to conceal it?
I didn't dare to think of the worst. Instead, I casually walked on until I heard the door shut behind him. I then made my way back to it and cracked it open a bit.
It was dark inside, stairs leading down to a little room with dim lights. I heard the man shuffling around, muttering to himself.
Quietly, I tiptoed down a few stairs, slowly peeking out from behind the wall.
The janitor had placed the doll on his back on one of the desks, straps holding down his arms and legs. For the first time, I noticed that the doll wasn't on, his eyes black and lifeless. He had scuff marks around his face, his shirt pulled up to expose what should have been the core in the middle of his chest. But the core was missing, wires dangling from the empty hole.
The man returned to the unconscious android and took out some sort of device, placing it to the hole until there was a crackling and a jingle from the doll. His eyes flickered to life and he looked around.
"There you are," his resurrector murmured. I cringed as he reached out to pet his hair.
"Connection is down but not in bad shape overall. I'll make a pretty penny on resale once we get you sorted."
My heart sank as he turned to grab a drill, a malicious grin spreading across his face.
"Time to open you up. Let's see what we're dealing with," he stated, turning the drill on threateningly.
I felt my eyes burn with tears as I saw the look on the Buddi Doll's face. He looked horrified, confused, his hand weakly reaching forward as if to try and shield himself.
I have to save him!
  Without thinking twice, I flew down the stairs, startling the man as I yelled "stop!".
  I scrambled to cover the doll before he could touch him, the drill mere centimeters from my outstretched arms.
  "Wh-what...?" the janitor spluttered, eyes wide with fear.
  At first, I didn't know why he had such a reaction, but as I took in my surroundings, my blood ran cold when I spotted multiple screens in one corner, each displaying different bathrooms of apartment rooms.
  Gathering up all of my courage, I fixed him with a glare.
  "If you don't want me to report what I've seen here, then you'll let me take him," I hissed.
  He seemed frozen for a moment, sweat beginning to glisten on his forehead.
  "O-okay, sure, take him, just-," he backed off a few steps, "just don't say anything about this."
  I nodded, turning to the doll and gently undoing the straps that held him down. I pulled his shirt down and fit his overalls back into place before scooping him up, hugging him to my chest protectively.
  I was about to thank the man, but quickly stopped myself. He didn't even deserve that.
  I hurried back up the stairs and out the apartment building, getting in my car and cradling the little robot like a baby.
  "Are you okay, buddy?" I asked, brushing some hair out of his face.
  He just blinked at me, tilting his head slightly.
  "Oh, right, you don't have a core, so you can't talk, right?" I smiled, holding him close again. "That's okay. I'll get you all fixed up real soon."
  Once I reached home, I immediately ordered a new core for him online, the delivery expected to arrive that night. In the meantime, I tended to the android like a worried mother, brushing his hair and wiping the smudges off his face. Although he couldn't speak, he would smile and wave his arms happily in response to the attention, which warmed my heart.
  Finally, the core arrived, and I anxiously took it out and carried it and the doll to my couch, setting him down propped up against a comfy pillow.
  I delicately undid his overall straps and pulled up his shirt, inserting the core into the empty hole.
  Immediately, it glowed a bright blue, the same jingle erupting.
  "Your Buddi is now connected," a voice stated.
  "Hi! Are you my b-b-best buddy?" the doll chirped.
  I grinned widely, overwhelmed with joy. "Yes, I am."
  I fixed his clothes back into place once more, lifting him into my arms and sitting on the couch with him enveloped in a loving embrace.
  His head clicked to and fro, looking my living room up and down curiously.
  "Where am I?" he asked.
  I furrowed my brow in confusion. "You're in my house, honey."
  "Where's Andy?"
  His question was met with silence as I stared at him in disbelief. "Andy? Who's Andy?"
His eyebrows turned up anxiously. "Andy's my best buddy."
I was puzzled, and a bit unnerved. If this Andy was supposed to be his best friend, then how did the little doll end up in the hands of such a sick man?
"Then how come that man had you? How did he find you?" I prompted gently.
He blinked, looking down. "I tried to make Andy happy so that we could play again, but then he hurt me and made me go away."
I listened in shock as he recalled his memories of Andy, and how he had made the boys cat and another man "go away" to make him happy. He said that he and Andy were about to play, but two people had attacked him and held him down, ripping out his core as Andy watched on.
I felt a crack in my heart, unable to speak for a moment after he was done telling his tale.
From what I understood, his sole purpose was to make Andy happy, and by doing so, he ended up killing for the boy. He had no idea what he was doing was wrong, and was now scared and confused after his supposed best buddy had thrown him away. I couldn't help but think that somewhere, somehow, this Andy kid had failed to teach him right from wrong, as well as show him the love he so clearly craved.
I swallowed, wrapping my arms tighter around the doll. "I... I'm sorry that happened to you, honey. You were just trying to make him happy, weren't you?"
He nodded, a frown on his face.
I felt a rush of affection. "Aww, it's okay, sweetheart. You're okay, I've got you. I won't let anyone ever hurt you again, okay?" I nuzzled the top of his head with my nose affectionately.
"Everybody was so mean to you, weren't they?" I cooed, rocking him back and forth gently. "I bet you just wanted some love, huh?"
He slowly began to smile, resting his head against my chest. I ran my fingers through his hair comfortingly.
"What's your name, hon?" I asked.
He looked up at me. "I'm Ch-Chucky," he stuttered, voice glitching a bit.
I smiled warmly. "Well, Chucky, since Andy doesn't want you anymore, then how about I be your new best buddy?"
Chucky grinned from ear to ear, and I chuckled fondly, placing a kiss to his freckled cheek and continuing to cuddle him.
  I felt the crack in my heart begin to heal, knowing that this precious doll was out of harms way now and forever.

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