Time-out Break-out

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  I took a last hit off my joint before tapping out the ashes onto the railing, dropping it off the side and into the alleyway below. A chilly wind ruffled my shoulder-length hair, and I pulled my hood over my head.
  Often times when I felt lonely, I sat on the fire escape of the apartment building I lived in, watching the streets below bustle with activity. I had always been a loner at heart, but sometimes it weighed on me when I realized just how isolated I was from the rest of the world.
  A sudden light came from behind me and I turned, finding myself looking into the window of the apartment behind me. The once pitch-black room was now showered in a bright light as someone opened the door to the room.
  I peered closely, careful not to move too quickly as to avoid being seen.
  A young boy was carrying something into the room. He angrily set it down on a now visible bed, shouting something before storming off, slamming the door shut.
  Now, I could make out two glowing blue eyes on the bed. With a start, I realized it was a Buddi Doll.
  What does that boy think he's doing, leaving the poor thing all alone? My parental instincts instantly clicked. I had always wanted a Buddi Doll. The thought of having one of the adorable little robots to love and care for me as much as I did them was something I adored, but I simply couldn't afford one.
  I watched as the Buddi Doll leaned over and picked up a teddy bear lying on the bed next to him, hugging it close and petting it's fur. For the first time, I realized that he looked heartbroken.
  I cautiously slid down from the railing I was on, crawling up to the window and peeking inside.
  The door to the room opened again and I ducked, slowly looking up again to see the same boy standing in the doorway.
  The Buddi Doll turned his head to look at the boy, a frown on his face.
  "I'm sorry, Andy," he whimpered, barely loud enough for me to hear through the glass.
  My heart clenched.
  Andy glared at the pitiful toy. "I'm going out with Falyn and Pugg," he replied, turning and shutting the door behind him once more.
  The doll looked down at the teddy bear again, resuming petting the plush.
  I gritted my teeth in fury. How dare Andy treat him like that! Whatever he did, he's clearly sorry!
  Without wasting another moment, I tried to pull the window up, surprised at my luck when it proved to be unlocked. I slid it upwards and crawled through the small space, careful not to make any noise.
  Once I made it inside, I looked over at the doll, who was staring at me in curiosity.
  "Hey, buddy. Are you alright?" I whispered, slowly making my way towards him.
  He blinked, hugging the teddy bear closer.
  I got on my knees and crouched before him so that we were on the same level.
  "It's okay, I won't hurt you," I soothed, reaching out to brush some hair out of his face.
  "I saw what happened. Andy was really mean to you, wasn't he?"
  The android looked down sadly. "I thought it would make Andy happy," he murmured.
  I nodded sympathetically. Although I didn't know what he was referring to, I could tell that he was truly remorseful, and that Andy had clearly been neglecting this doll.
  "Oh, you poor baby. I'm so sorry Andy's so mean to you. You just want some love, don't you?"
  I ran my hand through his hair and down his back in a repeating motion, hoping to comfort him.
  He just stared at me numbly, obviously not used to any form of affection.
  I lifted his chin a bit with my other hand. "Hey. I don't think Andy deserves you. It breaks my heart to see you so sad, and I wanna show you the love you deserve. I'm gonna take you away from here, where Andy can't hurt you anymore. I'll take care of you."
  He blinked, turning to look back at the doorway from which Andy had left. "B-But, Andy's my best buddy," he said.
  I cradled his silicon face in my hands. "I know, sweetheart. I know Andy's the only friend you've ever known, but he's not a good friend. You deserve so much better than him. I promise, I'll love you much more than he ever could."
  The doll slowly began to smile, his eyes shining a little brighter. I chuckled, reaching out to him.
  "C'mere, baby," I cooed, lifting him up and into my arms. He instantly clung to me, hiding his face in my sweater.
  I squeezed him tight, kissing the top of his head. I noticed he had dropped the bear he was holding and I picked it up, handing it back to him. He happily grasped the plush tight.
  Quietly, I slunk to the window and squeezed out again, careful to shield Chucky from bumping into anything.
  Cradling him protectively against the wind, I made my way home with my new best friend.

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