Deactivation Rescue

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Knocking on the door to Andy's apartment softly, I stepped back and waited patiently.
The door swung open and I was greeted by Andy's mother.
"Hey, (Y/n). Can I help you with something?" she asked.
"Is... Andy home?" I asked.
She shook her head. "No, he's over at Pugg's. Do you need something?"
"It's okay, I'll just go over there. Thanks," I smiled and turned around, making for Pugg's apartment.
I didn't really want to see Andy. I wanted to see Chucky, his Buddi Doll. All of the kids in the neighborhood had been talking about how Andy had acquired a doll that could be made to do things normal Buddi Dolls couldn't. I had to see for myself, meeting up with a few kids in the Zedmart parking lot where Andy and his doll were.
Immediately, Andy and his two closest friends, Falyn and Pugg, began to brag about all of the things they had gotten Chucky to do, such as stealing from the vending machine and cussing like a sailor. Everyone thought it was hilarious, but I didn't think so. I thought that it was cruel to coach the little doll into such behavior, and my unhappiness increased when I witnessed Chucky trying to sing the Buddi Song to his companions, only to be shamed and told to continue to use a pen to practice stabbing a stuffed unicorn.
I wanted to snatch the doll up right then and there, offering to sing and play with him like he so clearly wished to do, but he was quickly whisked away by Andy and his friends.
Now, I was going to try and find Andy and the others so that I could cozy up to them only to get closer to Chucky, making sure he was alright from now on. He deserved better than those greedy teens.
I reached Pugg's door and knocked. His mother greeted me kindly and led me inside, telling me that he, Andy and Falyn had gone to his room.
As I began to walk down the hallway leading to his room, I suddenly heard a metallic clang coming from it. I cautiously crept to his door and peered in.
Andy, Falyn and Pugg were all crouching to the floor, their backs to me. They were struggling to hold something down, shouting at Andy to make a move.
I strained to see over their heads, catching sight of two tiny hands flailing in the air desperately.
"Andy? Why are you doing this? They're trying to hurt me!"
That was Chucky's voice. My heart dropped to my stomach as the doll continued to cry out for help. I couldn't move.
"I'm sorry, Chucky. It's the only way," Andy grunted.
"But you're my friend!"
My heart shattered as Chucky began to sing to Andy, an attempt to urge his best friend to take pity on him. I finally found the strength to move when I saw Falyn shove Andy aside and begin to reach for the helpless android.
"Stop!" I screeched, dashing over to them.
The three had little time to react as I shoved them aside and dove to snatch the doll up, backing into the doorway and shielding him from the kids.
"Wh-what are you doing?" Pugg stammered.
My built up hatred for the teens began to boil within me like magma in a volcano, and my paternal instincts kicked into overdrive.
"Give it back! We need to destroy it!" Falyn shouted, taking a step forward.
"Get back!" I snarled, surprised at the strength of my own voice. Falyn seemed to be surprised, too, as she shakily backed off.
I locked eyes with Andy. He had tears in his eyes as if he were upset at almost having dismantled the doll I held, but I didn't care.
  He's not yours anymore, I growled inwardly, holding Chucky's head under my chin.
"You," I spat. "All of you. This is all your fault!"
Pugg blinked in confusion. "How is this our fault?"
"Don't act dumb! You three have been using him to do your dirty work from the start, and now you think he deserves to be thrown out like trash?"
"That thing killed a cat and a person! It doesn't deserve anything!" Falyn retorted.
I huffed. "Oh, and I wonder where he got his inspiration? From what I've seen, you've been exposing him to violence on numerous occasions, haven't you?"
The trio exchanged glances, shifting uncomfortably.
I gritted my teeth in anger. "You should all be ashamed of yourselves. This poor thing deserves better than this, which is why I'm taking him, far away from you three, where he'll never be treated like this again."
Falyn opened her mouth as if she were about to say something, then closed it. Pugg and Andy looked at each other in bewilderment.
I fixed them each with a final, most hateful glare I could muster before whipping around and stalking out of the room.
I left the apartment and began to make my way out of the building and to my car.
"It's okay. I've got you," I murmured to Chucky, whose face was hidden in my shoulder.
Finally reaching my car, I unlocked it and sat in the driver's seat, cradling Chucky like a baby. I brought my knees up against the steering wheel so that I cocooned him in a protective embrace.
I gently smoothed my fingers through his ginger hair, deciding to take a moment to compose myself and reflect on all that had just happened.
He's here. He's really here, safe in my arms.
  I cautiously scanned the parking lot, expecting Andy and his friends to give chase. I was prepared to fight them all if I had to.
After a few minutes, I pulled back a bit so that I could see Chucky's face. His freckled face, usually so cheerful, was now pulled down in a miserable frown.
  For the first time, I noticed his overall straps had been ripped loose and his shirt pulled up, exposing the core in the center of his chest where Falyn had tried to rip it out.
  "Here, let me fix your shirt," I said softly, gently pulling his shirt down and snapping his overall straps back into place.
I then reached out and held the side of his face. "Are you okay, honey?"
He blinked, resting his head on my shoulder and looking down.
"Hey, it's okay," I cooed, wrapping my arms tighter around him and kissing the top of his head. "It's okay, you're safe now, honey."
  "A-Andy... tried to hurt me," he whimpered.
  "Shhh, I know, sweetheart," I soothed him, rubbing his back comfortingly. "I'm so sorry that happened to you. You didn't deserve that."
  I cuddled the grief-stricken toy for a while, murmuring reassurances all while keeping an eye out for Andy.
  Once I was convinced I hadn't been followed, I turned Chucky over in my arms so that I cradled him again.
  He looked up at me miserably, his big blue eyes glowing in the dark. I gave him a warm smile and tucked some hair behind his ear.
  Caressing his cheek, I cleared my throat. "Listen to me. From now on, I'm gonna take care of you, okay? Since Andy doesn't wanna be your best buddy anymore, then I will. I'll make sure you're happy and safe and never treated like that again."
  Chucky blinked in confusion. "B-but, what about Andy? He's my b-best buddy."
  I nuzzled the top of his head with my nose. "I know, baby. I know it's hard to leave your best friend. But Andy was a bad friend, and sometimes, no matter how hard it is, we have to move on from the people that hurt us. And I promise, as long as you're with me, I won't let Andy or his friends hurt you ever again. I'm gonna give you all the love and affection you deserve," I chuckled softly, giving him a peck on the cheek.
  His mouth began to pull into a smile.
  "There's the smile I wanted to see!" I cheered, hugging the android tight and burying my face into his hair. "I don't ever wanna see you sad again, okay? I'm gonna make sure you're always happy from now on, every moment of every day."
  He grinned from ear to ear, leaning into my embrace and curling his fingers into my sweater. I laughed and peppered his face in delicate kisses.
  As I held the doll in one arm and started the car with the other, I thought back to the moment I had seen Chucky on Pugg's bedroom floor. Not his face, but his hands. His little hands were waving in the air as if he were trying to reach for something, or someone.
  I held his tiny hand in mine now, rubbing it gently with my thumb. He would never have to reach for anyone again. I was always gonna be right by his side, protecting him and loving him like he deserved.

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