Reader in Andy's Place (Part 2)

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The sound of my alarm roused me from my deep, comfortable slumber. I blinked myself awake and instantly smiled when I felt Chucky's soft hair nestled against my face.
"Good morning, (Y/n)!" Chucky squeaked when I rose into a sitting position, still hugging him close.
"Good morning, honey," I smoothed a hand through his red locks.
For once in a very long while, I felt well rested and happy to start the day. With Chucky by my side at all times, I knew I would begin to notice things changing for the better.

Chucky trailed behind me as I did my usual morning activities. He imitated me as I brushed my teeth, and watched curiously as I packed my lunch for school. His antics were precious, and I couldn't help but scoop him up and dote on him every time he did something adorable.
I made my way to the closet to pick out a jacket, putting it on and slinging my bag over my shoulder.
"(Y/n), you forgot your science b-b-book," Chucky called from below.
I knelt down next to him and saw that he was holding a roll of toilet paper. My heart swelled with affection as I chuckled and took it from him.
"Thanks, buddy. I almost forgot!"
He grinned proudly.
I felt a pang in my chest as I realized I would have to leave him for the day. I wanted nothing more than to hold him close and play with him all day long, and felt the first stirrings of anxiety at the thought of being separated.
I took a deep breath and put my hands on his shoulders. "Hey, I have to go to school for today. I'll be back in a few hours, I promise, okay? Will you be alright without me?"
Chucky tilted his head and smiled warmly. "I'll wait right here until my best buddy is home!"
I cupped his face in my hands. "Thank you, sweetheart. Don't worry, I'll be back before you even know it."
With that, I placed a kiss to his forehead and stood, leaving the apartment and locking the door behind me.

I anxiously speed walked home from school. All I could think about was getting home to Chucky and making sure he was alright. What if he got scared and needed me? What if he got hurt? My heart thrummed painfully against my ribs as I drew nearer to my building.
I frantically unlocked the door and squeezed through. Immediately, I scanned the room for Chucky.
"You're back!"
I looked down to see Chucky waiting in the exact spot I had left him that morning. He was smiling up at me, his blue eyes twinkling with joy.
I kneeled in front of him. "Did you wait here for me all day?" I asked in astonishment.
He nodded happily, then extended his arm to reveal a broken popsicle stick wrapped in a little yellow ribbon.
"I made you a present!" he chirped, smiling from ear to ear.
Love and adoration for my beloved doll swept over me, threatening to overwhelm me. Fighting happy tears, I gently took the stick from him and held it close.
"Oh, baby, thank you so much," I croaked. I leaned forward to gather him to my chest, cradling him like a baby as I peppered his face with kisses and gushed over him. He waved his arms giddily.
"This is the most amazing present I've ever gotten. I love it almost as much as I love you!"
  My head snapped up at the familiar voice. On the couch, my mom was curled up asleep against her boyfriend, Shane. 
  He put a finger to his lips. "Shhhh!" he hissed, shaking his head disapprovingly.
  My smile faltered momentarily, and anger began to boil within me. I'd never been particularly fond of Shane.
  I held Chucky protectively under my chin as I got up and left.

"I don't know why she stays with him. He's such a jerk. My mom deserves better," I vented to Chucky as I threw stones at bottles lined up on a trash can. The parking lot was completely empty, and I sat on top of one of the many picnic tables nearby. Chucky listened intently and watched me toss the rocks.
"It doesn't really matter, anyway. He's just gonna end up leaving us like everyone else."
Chucky turned to look at me, cocking his head slightly. "I will never leave you."
He leaned in for a side hug, smiling his precious smile. My heart nearly melted and I choked back a sob, wrapping my arms around him and placing him in my lap.
"Thank you, sweetheart. That means the world to me, it really does," I murmured, burying my face in his hair.
He snuggled closer, gripping my shirt tightly. Tears of joy blurred my vision, and I held him so tight it would have hurt if he were able to feel pain.
"Are we having fun now?" he asked.
I smiled fondly. "Yes, we are, baby. I'll always be having fun when I'm with you."
  I chuckled and kissed his cheek. "You know, we haven't played any games since I got you yesterday. You love to play games, don't you?"
  He nodded excitedly.
  I stood and hugged him to my chest. "Then how about we head back home and we play a board game, just you and me?"
  "I'd love to play with my best buddy!" he exclaimed. I gave him a loving squeeze and made for home.
  As soon as we got back, I took him to my room and set up my favorite board game on a small table. I sat Chucky in a stool on one side, bringing up a chair to sit in myself on the other.
I showed him how to play, rolling the dice for him and moving his characters. I purposely let him win, and it warmed my heart to see him giggling and cheering in victory.
After a while, he ended up winning the game. He immediately flapped his arms and cheered in a playful mockery. I burst out laughing at his antics.
"You're such a dork," I said between giggle fits.
He grinned from ear to ear. "Such a dork!" he parroted.
This made me cackle even harder. With tears in my eyes, I leaned over to pick him up, swooping him into my arms and hugging him close as we laughed together.
As our snickers died down, I nuzzled his cheek with my nose.
"I love you, Chucky," I murmured.
"I love you, too, (Y/n)!" he piped.
For once in what seemed like forever, I found myself looking forward to the future.

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