11:49 am

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The team was back at the round table again. Investigations regarding the parents of Genevieve's friends were completed and they were currently waiting on Garcia to prove Spencer's theory.

"I bring news," Garcia breathed out while hurrying into the room with her computer. She sat down in a seat and started bringing images up on the screen above the team. "I followed Spencer's theory about achievements among Genevieve and her friends." 

"Well, we already know that Brett was going to become a professional football player and Genevieve managed to get to the FBI at a young age," JJ spoke up, looking from the screen and to the rest of the team. 

Penelope nodded her head and continued to type away on her computer. "And it goes even further with that," she told them. "We have Natalia Hughman who is currently living in Paris, France, and she had her own fashion line. She became big in the fashion industry. Then there's Jesse Lanns who is a racecar engineer and has been known to work with big names. We also have Melanie Grans, a social worker advocating for children. She has traveled not only the country but the world advocating."

"And Aaron Paul who is working on developing a cure for leukemia," Rossi read off what he could see on the screen. "All six have made names for themselves that the school will remember." 

"Garcia, can you pull up the article that was about the Quinnmont school ceremony?" Questioned Morgan. 

Garcia nodded before pulling up the article. She looked it over herself, wondering what was so important in this article.

"There," Derek was in front of the screen, pointing to a particular sentence. "'Quinnmont Alumni Genevieve Andrews, Melanie Grans, Natalia Hughman, Jesse Lanns, Aaron Paul, and Brett Walters will all be recognized in their achievements in their occupational fields,' that's why."

"The unsub saw that they were getting recognized for achievements," Prentiss spoke with uncertainty. "But why? What did they do to them?" 

"Those six students were popular at the high school. Strong in academic and athletic field and were representatives of the high school for recruiting students." Derek explained to the team. "Seeing this must've upset the unsub."

JJ shook her head. "It doesn't make sense though," she looked at the files they had scattered. "Why kidnap them? This goes beyond just jealousy." 

"You said Mr. Andrews was a teacher there?" Hotchner looked to Morgan. "Morgan and Reid, I want you two to go talk to him. Find out everything he knows when Genevieve was in high school." 

The two men nodded before leaving the room.

"High school?" Mr. Andrews questioned the two agents when he heard the question. "What does Genevieve's high school experience have to do with this?" 

"We think whoever took her might have been not only jealous but wronged," Derek explained while Spencer walked to where he was told Genevieve's room to be.

He stood outside her bedroom. The pale purple walls were covered with ribbons and pictures. Never in a billion years did Spencer think he would be in this room to profile Genevieve from the pictures. He imagined many scenarios, all of them with her pointing at different pictures and explaining them. 

"That was during Christmas break,"  Spencer imagined Genevieve's voice talking to him. She was at an ice skating rink with her five friends. "Natalia showed up all of us, though Jesse impressed us too. Brett fell down the most and decided to cling to the wall watching up. I think Melanie and I tied for who fell down the most." 

Spencer looked over more pictures, noticing one where she was dressed up. All the faces in the picture were the same as other pictures except for one. He carefully took the picture from the wall, eyeing it more closely. From Genevieve's body language, he could tell that there was something off about the photo. 

Whether it was how she was standing, hugging the people near her, or even the smile, something about it looked like it was a plea for the night to be over. Spencer walked out of the room, staring at the photo. The voices of Morgan and Mr. Andrews grew louder as he headed for the living room. 

"I just don't understand why someone would want to do this to them." 

"Mr. Andrews," Spencer spoke almost immediately as the older man finished his sentence. "Can you explain this photo?" He showed the photo before moving to stand next to Morgan.

"That was the Winter Formal," he explained looking up to them. "Um, senior year I believe. The girls left school early to get ready here, boys showed up, photos were taken and all six came back here for the night." 

"Who's the other boy?" Spencer asked him. "I noticed in other photos Genevieve has in her room, he wasn't in them. He also didn't have photos of his own either." 

Michael looked back down at the photo and squinted his eyes. "I believe that's Trevor. Um, Kleinman I believe so." 

Morgan pursued his face. The name had seemed familiar to him. "What was his relationship with Gen?" 

Michael shook his head. "He asked her to Winter Formal and Genevieve said yes. She was too nice of a person and didn't want to humiliate him with rejection. They were hardly friends, maybe acquaintances?" 

Morgan stepped away from them while dialing a number. Spencer was now alone with Mr. Andrews. 

"So you're Spencer Reid?" 

"Uh, yes. Dr. Spencer Reid." Spencer's hands started to get sweaty the longer he stood alone with Genevieve's father. 

"Gen would talk a lot about you," the man looked down at the photo. His thumb was stroking the smooth material. "A boy genius who she found easy to make uncomfortable."

Spencer felt his face warm up. Genevieve was a bold person. Called him cutie the first time they interacted. Of course, he gave some stupid fact about hair color. To that day, Spencer wishes he had said something else to give a better first impression of himself. 

Morgan walked back in, putting his phone in his pocket in the process. "I just have one more question, Mike,"

"What is it?" 

"What can you tell us about Trevor? Specifically when he was in high school?" 

"Um, he was a loner I guess. Didn't have any friends really." Mr. Andrews stared at the ground, rattling his brain for what he could remember of his time while teaching at that specific high school. "I think there were accusations against him,"

"What kind of accusations?" 

The older man shook his head. "I don't remember. I'm sure the school might have records." 

"Thank you for your help," Morgan told him. "We'll let you know when we have something." 

Michael Andrews nodded his head, continuing to stare at the photo even when he heard the door open and close.

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