1:08 pm

505 15 0

The friends were tired, hungry, and thirsty. Fear is what kept the six of them up and prevented them from getting anything more than a couple of hours of sleep. And that they know of, no food or water has been brought to them during their time chained up.

"I would've thought he would've come back by now," Jesse spoke quietly with his head leaning against the pole he was chained to.  

No one else answered him. It remained silent in the room. 

"How long has it been since you've been here?" 

Genevieve shook her head at Natalia's question. She didn't know the answer. She didn't have a watch on her and without any windows to look out, Genevieve couldn't tell if it was day or night. 

Genevieve continued to remind herself that her teammates were looking for her and her friends. They wouldn't stop searching for her. Even if it technically means that more serial killers out there are killing because the team put that on hold to search for her. 

The agent shook the thought from her head. Maybe killers decided to take a break. After all, more attention to them with a shorter cool off period. 

"So," Natalia spoke up again. Genevieve felt attention go to their side of wherever they were. "Want to talk about this Spencer guy?"

Genevieve only smiled to herself. She could already imagine some useless fact that Spencer spilled out of his mouth or fumbling over words as he spoke with her father. "He's special," was all Genevieve told her friends. She barely opened her eyes to stare at the door that Trevor seemed to be entering and leaving from. 

The van that JJ and Emily drove in parked just outside of a small shop. "So Trevor works at alterations?" Emily stared at the building that was the address Garcia sent them. 

"Apparently he had a talent when it comes to sewing clothes. Garcia said that he made costumes for the school when it came to plays and productions." JJ explained as they walked into the building. 

"Can I help you, ladies?" A man standing at the front desk as them. 

"We're looking for a Trevor Kleinman," Emily told him. "Do you know him?" 

"You're looking at him," Trevor smiled at the two women. That smile faltered when he saw them show their FBI badges. 

"You went to Quinnmont High School correct?"

Trevor nodded his head. "All four years." 

"So you must know of the ceremony that's coming up?" 

Trevor nodded his head. "Yeah, big deal for those that are in it."

There was an uncomfortable silence between him and the two agents. "So you must remember your peers right? Melanie Grans, Jesse Lanns, Natalia Hughman, Brett Walters, Aaron Walters,"

"Genevieve Andrews?" Prentiss noted how his jaw tightened up when she mentioned the final name. "You must know them."

Trevor nodded his head again. More stiffly this time. "Yeah, I remember them." 

"You don't seem too fond of them right now," JJ pointed out. 

Trevor looked down at the paper in front of him. Measurements were written down on them. "Just some issues with them back in high school." He told the two agents. Trevor looked back up to the two women. "I'm sorry but I have some orders that are due soon and I really need to get them done."

"Of course," Emily handed a card over to him. "Just call us if you hear anything." She turned her back and left the store with JJ next to her. 

"Odd that he didn't ask any questions pertaining to the investigation," JJ spoke while looking back to the building. "Wasn't even concern about what happened to them." 

They both sat in the car. "Why would he care? In his mind, those are the people that tormented him. Ruined high school. Doesn't think he did anything wrong during high school."

"So let's say he's the unsub," JJ spoke hypothetically. "He would need a place to store them. You can't just keep six people hidden in your home or in the back room of the store." 

"So we'll have Garcia look at his payments. See if anything sticks out." Prentiss stated while starting the vehicle up. "He must've been planning this for a while though. One doesn't just sporadically decide that they're going to kidnap six people from high school."

Trevor, from the inside of the building, stared at the car as it drove off. He looked back down to the paper with measurements before heading to a back room. Numerous dresses, suits, shirts, and pants were hanging in bags. The man shifted through the hangers, selecting three particular dresses and three black suits. 

Trevor took the six bags and brought them to his car which was parked around the back. He smiled to himself as he placed them carefully in the back seat before sitting in the driver's. He pulled out his phone and looked at the premade list. 


He already had the clothing, shoes, and jewelry. The playlist was premade on his phone and lights were already hanging around the warehouse. He had everything he needed. Trevor was going to get back his special night. The same one that was taken away from him during his senior year at Quinnmont. 

Trevor drove out of town and down a road until building and houses became distant from one another. Down the beaten road, he continued to drive until he came to an abandoned building. Trevor took the bags from his car and walked into the building. He could hear echos of voices as a conversation ended quickly. It didn't matter to him. 

He started to whistle. Grabbed some keys off of a hook and walked over to where he had his six prisoners chained up. Laying the clothes on the ground, he grabbed the first dress, being an off white floor-length dress. He continued to whistle while he pulled the dress out and walked over to uncuff Genevieve from the chains. 

"What are you doing?" One of the other five called out to him. He didn't answer and just pulled Genevieve along with him. Trevor immediately ripped the shift off of Genevieve, ignoring the cries from the others. 

"Stop crying," he told Genevieve when he noticed tears streaming down her face. He moved to her pants. 

"Trevor please don't," Genevieve struggled to get the words out. This wasn't how she wanted her first time to be. "Look if you just let us go, then yo-"

"Shut up!" Trevor yelled at her. He forced the pants off and didn't hesitate to stare at the bare body. This was better than what he pictured of Genevieve. All the dreams he had, didn't live up to this moment. 

Having to ruin the moment, Trevor forced the dress over Genevieve's head. He walked around the girl, nodding at his work. It fitted her perfectly. He took the dress off her and brought her back to her chains. 

"Don't have the decency to dress her?" Aaron questioned Trevor, staring at the man before them. 

Trevor pulled the gun out of his back pocket and pointed it at Aaron. "I'm finally the one in charge here Aaron. Not you or any of your friends, so if you want to keep your pathetic life, I suggest you just shut up and listen to me."

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