12:12 pm

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The five tied up heard an echo of a door opening and closing. There were no orders for eyes to be shut. The familiar click of the safety being taken off of a gun echoed.

"You better let us go asshole!" Brett yelled as he heard footsteps get louder.

Genevieve swallowed saliva as she saw a figure start to form while dragging something.

"It's Aaron," Natalia practically cried out as the body was thrown into the room.

"Shut up Natalia," the voice in the shadows snapped at her. "It's not like he's some model or even your boyfriend. Don't worry though. His precious brain is intact. Can't have that impacting his work towards leukemia."

Genevieve stared at the shadows. Her breathing became heavier as the person spoke to them.

"It doesn't matter though. You are all out of the trophy cabinet and are now my dolls." It was the voice. Something about it was familiar. Like she knew it from somewhere. But where?

"Want to just show yourself instead of hiding like some coward?" Jesse questioned the person.

"You're calling me the coward!?" They stepped out of the shadows. Genevieve finally made the connection when she saw the face.

"Trevor?" Melanie gaped at the one that was holding them all hostage. "What the hell? Why are you doing this?"

Trevor didn't answer just took steps toward Genevieve and Natalia.

"Stay away from them!" Brett snapped at Trevor. "Disgusting pig."

"I'd be careful Brett," Trevor spun on his heels and faced the football player. He wiggled the gun in the air. "I finally have the upper hand. I have control now and you have to listen to me now!"

Genevieve flinched at the yelling. "Why are you doing this Trevor?" She finally asked him. "What did we ever do to you?"

Trevor stopped walking, but he didn't face the girl. "March 17th." That's all Trevor said before tying Aaron up in a free spot near Melanie and left the six friends alone.

The echo of the door slamming shut signified that Trevor had left the building.

"What the fuck?"

"What's so special about March 17th?"

"His birthday?"

"Do you know his birthday?"

Genevieve squeezed her eyes shut while trying to concentrate. March 17th had to have meant something to Trevor or else he wouldn't have said it to them. Could've been an anniversary of them? Some formal event or something?


Genevieve opened her eyes to see those that were conscious staring at her.

"Did you hear anything we said?"

"I heard the earlier parts, but I didn't hear the rest." She explained before shaking her head. "Most of us passed the 24-hour mark maybe even the 48-hour,"

"Should that be promising?" Asked Melanie.

"We're going to get through this," Genevieve assured her friends. "All of us. We just need to appeal to Trevor and stay on the good side. As long as we don't anger him, he won't harm any of us."

"So," Gracia announced over a group phone call. "I did some research into this Trevor guy that Morgan told me about and let's just say that being a creep would be close to who he is."

"What do you have Garcia?" Emily asked her.

"Trevor Kleinman, he was in the same grade as Genevieve. As we already know, he took our beloved Genevieve to their Winter Formal because she was too nice to say no to someone. Well, there was an incident there, and after some digging rumor has it that he almost assaulted a girl."

"What happened to Trevor?"

"Well because nothing technically happened, he was suspended from school. And when he returned the girl switched schools. But it doesn't stop there and because the internet is forever and nothing can hide from me, I found some messages sent between Trevor and our Genevieve."

Silence fell between the members as they looked over the messages.

" 'It was the best night and you are being a selfish bitch' " Rossi read aloud

" 'I promise that you will regret doing what you did' " JJ read in a monotone and shaking her head.

" 'Everyone may call you the Golden Student of Quinnmont but you are nothing but a selfish bitch' " Spencer struggled to read that message.

"And it just goes on and on," Garcia told them. "Obviously Gen tries to diffuse everything but that doesn't work and he just continues to harass her."

"Did you know about this Morgan?" Hotchner asked Derek, looking up from the tablet and across the table.

Derek shook his head while looking at the messages. "She never told me about this and I'm assuming that she didn't tell her dad either."

"And if we look at the big screen," Penelope told the team and played a video.

It showed three boys surrounding a fourth. It was difficult to hear what was being said but it was obvious that the one of the boys was yelling things at him and motioning to people around them.

"That's Brett, Aaron, and Jesse," Morgan stated and stood up from his seat. "I remember Gen telling me they had an incident with someone but everything was handled."

"Well, this must've been that incident because after this video we see more videos of people humiliating Trevor," Penelope told them. "Everything snowballed all because Genevieve wouldn't give him the time and day."

"So we know Trevor has a reason to get back at these six," Hotchner told the group. "Garcia I want an address for Trevor."

"I have a work address that has been sent to your phones."

"JJ and Prentiss I want you to go talk to Trevor."

The two women nodded their heads before leaving the room and heading for the vans.

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