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‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾   PROLOGUE   ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙

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‧͙⁺˚*   PROLOGUE   ⁺‧͙

Rachel Carter had no idea how the end of the world came to be, yet here it was nipping at her feet while she tried to outrun it as long as she could. The life was slowly slipping away from the very planet she called home and it was the most terrifying thing she had ever experienced.

The hand desperately holding onto her own, little fingers digging into her skin so hard that she could feel it over the numbness of her body, that was the only thing keeping her from giving in to the pain surrounding her.

Alistair was the only thing keeping her alive.

Rachel wasn't sure how this had all come to be, but deep down she knew it was only because she didn't want to face the facts. She didn't want to accept that the cause of all of this pain and destruction was because of the very man who used to hold her tight in the darkness of the night just so he wouldn't feel so alone.

It was almost laughable how her life had turned out, but as Rachel ran through the streets with Alistair's hand locked in her own, passing all the people who were falling further and further into chaos, all she felt was an immense sadness and guilt. Her eyes were already pricking with tears, fear settling deep in her heart and making her body shake with every step she took, but she did her best to co conceal it.

Alistair, she reminded herself. Stay strong for Alistair.

Neither of them knew where they were heading, their only goal to avoid the chaos that seemed to pop out at them at every turn. They dodged cars, narrowly missed the bullets littering the sky, stumbling through the broken world around them as they attempted to find the man responsible for this all—Maxwell Lord.

Sirens rang through the air, announcements blasting over them warning everyone of the incoming nuclear bombs. No one could even pay attention, the madness in the streets and the struggle to survive what was already occurring being too much to concern anyone about their demise that was mere minutes away.

The sudden jerk of her hand was enough to break Rachel from her gaze and she turned to see Alistair standing there, his eyes sweeping over the world around them. Fear crept onto his face, his breathing shaky as tears filled his eyes.

"Daddy," Alistair whimpered, his eyes finally locking with Rachel's as he held her hand tightly. "I want Daddy."

Rachel swallowed thickly, her hands shaking as she watched Alistair start yelling out in fear, "Daddy! Help me, Daddy! Daddy!"

He was hoping Max could hear and Rachel knew that, but even if he heard them, what could he do? Could he end all of this horror? Stop the nightmares that had somehow become their reality?

Rachel kept her gaze locked on Alistair for a moment longer before kneeling on the ground without a second thought, her arms wrapping around the boy as he fell against her with a heartbroken sob. The brunette held him tightly, tears now spilling down her face as she attempted to comfort the boy the best that she could.

They were down to their last minute before the nuclear missiles were supposed to strike. With no shelter to be seen and no hopes of survival, Rachel wished to provide nothing but comfort and love to the small boy who had grown to be a son to her.

Alistair held her tightly and Rachel closed her eyes, her thoughts drifting to the one person who was always on her mind.


Max with his smile that always managed to reach his eyes and make them twinkle no matter the situation. Max who would swoop Alistair and her up into a big hug when greeting them, laughter escaping his lips while he looked to them as if they were all he could see. Max who had only days before been holding her in his arms and whispering how much he loved her back when she still had no idea what was awaiting her.

Max who she loved with all of her heart, but who was still too blind to realize it.

Rachel's eyes flickered open and up to the sky where she could see her fate flying towards her, but she didn't dare allow Alistair to see the horrors coming their way. Instead, she held his head close to her chest, shielding his vision while he shook in her arms.

"Oh, Max," Rachel managed to whisper out, crying softly as she did so. "Please, come back. Please."

Useless words muttered to no one, but Rachel didn't care. She knew that despite everything Max had done, she would still dream of him even in death. She would always dream of him and that was enough of a comfort to make her feel as if he were actually with her to face what lay ahead.

And with that, Rachel Carter closed her eyes and accepted her fate.

- - -

and here's the beginning of the story!! i can't wait for you all to read about rachel and max's relationship! i thought for the prologue i would do something a little different than i'm used to doing which is why i showed a scene from the end of the movie before heading back to the beginning of the story starting with the first chapter.

i hope you all liked this chapter and be ready for more in the upcoming days! my internet has been so spotty and they are working to fix it so this is all i have been able to do, but hopefully everything will be back to normal within the next couple of days!

until then, please let me know what you thought of the prologue and what your favorite parts about the movie were! mine was obviously pedro pascal but can you blame me??

not to mention i've been binge watching his recent work with the mandalorian, we can be heroes, and now wonder woman 1984. ahhh i love him so much! hehehe!

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