I hack his password."Seriously?How keeps their password Lucifer Hades 527? ",I said. His eyes widen.
"Give it back.",he state."Shut up!",I hiss at him as I hack into the church's now burn security camera.I check the time of bom blast.It shows that the bom blasted in the great hall where all guests were.
I remember Fabien was the one to tell Leo about the bomb.I take the camera before the time he came to Leo.It sees he got a phone call.He cursed on the phone repeatdly then he tells Leo about the blast.I then check the record of every minute before our wedding so I can see when the bomb was planted.
Finally I see a suspicious guy.But as he has his face covered also he blended on the crowd decoration staff peoples!Damn it!
Wait!I then hack into Fabien's phone and check his phone record.I find the culprit's number.But the caller id is fake also the location says Havana.Dang it!
I cut the all the browser and my codes so none finds it and I log out of his laptop leaving no trace.I shut the laptop carefully."We have to go to Havana!",I said frustrated.I hate traveling.
"You are the Demon queen?", Ace said shocked.Informations about Demon Queen?Well,everyone in the crime world fears me since I can haack into any system since I have hacked many stallites.I can shut many countries communication system at a snap of my fingers.How did I train to be a hacker?
Let's just say Luke, Theo and Axel all has different abilites as hacker.I learn hacking from each of them and now know all the abilites. Combine three hackers abillites into one hacker.Boom!You got the Demon Queen.No one knows I am the Demon Queen except me and now Ace.
"Yes.",I said simply. "The person who planted the bomb is clever but he is from Havana.",I said snuggling into his chest like I do with a pillow or soft toy.
"Havana?Good.I can leave this horrible hospital, now.",Ace said sighing.
"Who said you are going?",I said closing my eyes smiling.
"I said.",he said.
"How are you?",I tease him.
"The mafia king.",he sass.
"And I am the queen.Queen has more power over a king.You need rest for atleast another day or so.",I said.
"Nah.I am leaving! ",Ace said in final tone.
"We will see.",I mumble.He wraps his hands around me.
"Ahh!",a high pitch voice screams.I woke up to see Emma screaming!
"What?",Ace snaps.
"You are sleeping woth her!",Emma whines.
"So!We all know you are nothing but my fuck buddy.So,shut up. And leave!",Ace shouts.Emma whimpers and left. Honestly,I don't care.
"Your girlfriend has horrible voice.",I mumble and again fell in asleep.
I wake up feeling amazing!But two arms has trapped me. Ace is sleeping.Guess what?I will again fell asleep.I love the word!Sleeping!I again woke up to find Ace eating grilled chesse chicken.
"You didn't woke me!",I whine.He rolls his eyes.
I see a nurse re-dressing my wounds."Excuse me.Can I get what he has?",I said since this hospital gives patient food.The nurse shakes her head'No'.
"Sorry,ma'am. It isn't on our hospital.",she said left the room.
"I want one!",I said.He rolls his eyws and shares his chicken.I eat the rest part.What?I am hungry,ok?
After eating I slip out of bed. "Where are you going?",Ace asked.
"I ain't that injured like you.",I said.
"So I am going to stroll.",I said.I walk out of his room but stop on the track as I see angry Fabien.
"What happened, Fab?",I said playing inncoent.
"Someone hacked my phone a while ago!I will kill that person.",Fabien growls.
"Relax.How did you know?",I said because I left no trace behind.
"Because I was hacking another person when he /she hacked me!",Fabien said.
"Whom were you hacking?",I said.
"The person who called me before the bomb blast.",he said.
"It's ok.The guy is in Havana.We will all go there after Val and Ace heals.",I said and walk away.It took him two minutes to realize I hacked him.
"You! ",he shouts. I quickly went in my room and shut it from inside.Haha!
"South Morerrti!You hack my phone ever again.I will kill you!",Fabien growls.
"Shush!It is a hospital!",a nurse hisses at him.I heard it and start laughing.
"Hey!Where are my brothers?",I yell from inside.
"I am here!",Fabien shot back.
"I mean of my blood! ",I shot back.
"You wound me!",he yells.
"Fab!",I whine.
"They are at home trying to figuer out the culprit.",Fab said.
I made an 'oh' voice.
(NEXT Day)
We are now in our house's living ROOM as others talk inside about something "important".I am too bored to listen them.They all act like alpha but I am the moon goddess who takes no shit from them."South,Let's go.",Ace said coming in the living room.
"Where? ", I said. "Madrid!",he said coldly and stand beside me.
"Pfft!I hate traveling.",I said.
"And why? ",I asked.He just gives me a cold look and says,"I said so.",he said coldly.I miss the teddy Ace!
"I ain't going nowhere!!",I shot.Next thing I know I am thrown at Ace's shoulder like a potato sack.
"Ace!Leave me!You will hurt your chest.I won't electrical cardioversion you this time!Put.me down!",I scream but can't move since he will get hurt.
"Leave me,Ace or I will kick you. ",I said.
"Kick me,then.",he said.I groan.
"Leave me,Ace!",I yell. He suddenly let go of me and I sat on the car seat.
"I will after I get my title.",he said coldly.His words hitting me like truvj but I refuse to see him my emotion.
"But my family!I didn't get to say bye!",I whine pretending to be unfazed by his earlier comment.
He stays silent."You won't get the chance.",he said coldly.
My family runs towards us."Bye,guys!",I said from the car as it speeds up.
"Bye,South.Fuck you, Ace!",my brothers growls with grandpa and dad.
I chuckle.Madrid!Here South comes.
Author's note:Hi, readers!Thanks for voting my story annd putting them in your reading list. But plz comment.Also,THANK Me FOR UPDATING SO OFTEN!HAHA! Kidding!But I won't mind.
Betrayals she endured
General FictionSouth Morerrti.The princess of mafia who will soon be the queen.She is like a good girl but little does anyone knows.She has a side that none hasn't seen yet.She can bring hell on the people of earth by a single snap of her fingers. Lucifer Ace Hern...