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We finally reach Havana.The whole ride I annoyed Nic and Ace uncontrabally!They were so close putting a bullet through my head!Haha!

We walk out of airport as I spot Axel waving like a madman towrads us.I laugh and walk towards him.He hugs me tightly as my other brothers hug me.

"We missed you,sorealla!",they whisper in my ear.

"I missed all of you.",I said.

"Ugh!I am this close to puking to see this sibling love!",Ace gaga in his thick english accent.My brothers gives him 'the 'finger.Even Leo.

Ace's face was priceless.Then we walk to our cars."Where are we going?",I said.
"Paradise garden".,my brothers said. "Prim Rose",Ace said. Let me tell something.Paradise garden is my brother's hotel while Prim rose is Ace's hotel.My brothers glare at Ace while Ace does the same with my brothers.

"We came here for work.So let's meet the mexican leader.",I said.

"Ok, Then we are going to Paradise garden.",Diego said.

"You wish.",Ace said.

It took me everything to stop my family killing Ace while we reach our destination.The destination is a mansion but actually it is a warehouse of Mexican leader that's what Dieago said.

I nod at the guards at the door as they open the door."Why did the open the door by your nodding?",Xavier said.

"I guess they likes me.",I said smiling sweetly.All of them roll their eyes.

We walk out of the car and the guards and the gate guards signals us to follow them.We follow them inside.

The mansion is beautiful."Hello,my darlings!",a guy in his thirties whom I know but my family doesn't comes. It is evident he is a gay.

"So,you are the mexican mafia?",Leo said smirking.

"Me?Huh.You guys are fools to think I am the leader.I am just in charge.",he said.

"I am Kayden.Or Kay.",he said as my family and Ace is red due to anger.

"Wjo is the leader?", Dieago said.I smirk.

"Yo,wanna see?",I said. He looks at me confused.

I walk towards the stairs and face them."Gentlemen and gentlemen. Put your hands together for the mexica mafia!South Morerrti Hernanadez!",I said chin high and back straught like a true leader.

Everyone of their jaw drops."You mean?",Luke said.

"I mean I am the boss of mexican mafia. Dear brother.",I said.

"Why would you keep it a secret?And how? ",Xavier said in disbelife.

"Well,I love keeping secrets.Also It won't be fun if I tell you everyrthing, right?",I said smirking.

"So,you are now rule Mexico and Cuba?",Ace said in disbelife.

"Nah.Kay does it.I jhst help him.",I said hugging Kayden.

"Oh,really.You save our ass every single time!",Kayden said. I chuckle.

"So.What are we waiting for let's go to Italy to tell dad.",Leo said grinning widely.

"So you are not mad?",I said in shock.

"No.My sister runs her own mafia.Why would I be mad.Yes.I am upset that you hide it from me.But you had your reasons.",he said shrugging.I hug him.

"Ok.But I hate travelling.I ain't going to Italy.",I said.

"You are, Ms.And that is final.",Dieago said sternly.

"I am going, too."Ace said.Great!

"But what about the culprit we came to catch.",I said.

"We will catch him some other time.",Leo said.

I nod. We went to airport. We hop on my brother's jet since Nic had to go to England for some work by Ace's jet.

(After few hours)
I open my eyes to see we are still in sky but weren't wee supposed to land?I look around to see none of my brothers or Ace is awake.They all looks passed out?

Then the realization hits me.We are high jacked!I panick. I open my laptop but the air hostess shuts it down with force making it shatter."Oh,no.You don't.",she said smirking and put a rag infront of my mouth and nose. I fell unconcious.

I woke up by someone pouring ice water on me.I jerk up to see my brothers,Feta, Dad,Marco,Mom and Ace tied to a special kind of chair all around me.And they are facing me.

"Look who is awake!The mafia queen.All hail the queen!",a bald handsome man said in his deeo voice.

"What did you do to my family?",I growl.

"Oh!Nothing.Just slipped some pills in their cahmagne.",he said chuckling evily.

"I promise you.You will pay for it when my brothers wake up or Ace wakes up!", I warn him.He chuckles.

"Turn around,queen.",he said.I turn around to seeLoren, Eva,Fiona,Riana,grandpa, grandma and Nic tied to special kind of chair but their hands are tied too unlike others who has theirr hands free like my brothers,Dad andd Ace.The girls and my grandparents are seperated from me by thick glass wall.

"What do you want?",I said my voice trembling.

"Uh-uh,my queen.Like you I love keeping secrets.Only difference is I know all your secrets.Wanna know your deepedt secrets? ",he said happily.

"First you are the Demon queen.Second you are a transhumanist.A transhumanist who has a magnet on her hand and a special device that can slow a bullt down and change it's path.Third you never defeated the mexican mafia. He gave his mafia to you. ",he said.

My heart drop to my stomach. How did he kow all this?"Now my queen.Let's wake your so called family.",He said and presses a button as a deviice pours water on them.They jerk up.

"Where are we?",Ace said.

"Moscow.",the baldy said.

"Why are we here?",Leo growls.

"No.Don't growl at me,capo.I will kill your wives and your grandparents. You see that(he said as men woth guns apper behind the girls and grandparents).Those are my men waiting for my order to kill your wives and relatives.",The man said and Eva,Fiona,Loren,Riana, Nicand grandparents head is now pointed by guns.They are slightly shaking under guns.

"What do you want?We will do anything. Just leave them alone.",Xavier pleads.

"Oh!I also have another surprise.",The bald man said.Then I notice he is not in is actually his three dimensional pictuer and he is peratoon from somewhere else.

I can't even attack him.Fetas's eyes widen.I turn to see Mikaley!Fetas's only sister. She is also held hostage."Brother!Please!Please!Save me!",Mikaley said.

"Leave her.Please.We will do anything just leave them.",Ace and Fetas's pleads that I never know can come from them.

"I will.You all have two options.One.Hand me your mafias and everyone will be saved.Two.Kill South Morerrti or one of the pesons behind her."the blad man said smirking.

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