The Long Lost Son

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      Chapter One :
           The mid morning had been foggy as I awoke from my nightmare, actually I wouldn't say it was a nightmare  .. it was a beautiful dream, i gave birth to my first born, a son whom was pure hearted child, born with love, and sincerity. I rose from my bed as i reached for my robe  and placed it around my body, i rose up slipping on my slippers and walked out of my bedroom and walked out. i slowly made my way to my son's room and peeked inside, I looked over to my son whom was sleeping as i now sighed.

I lightly shut his door as i walked over to the Kitchen and made some coffee,  I walked over to the Tv room as I now took a seat on the long couch, I sighed as I wiped my tears  as flashbacks began to roam thru my mind,  memories flowed as it was a replay, the discovery of my pregnancy, the  departure  of my fiancee,  the birth of my son, ...i caught myself smiling as I held my little boy who filled my heart with love. i felt myself falling asleep  on the sofa
"Mom... mom...Momma" I felt a light  shake to my elbow as I awoke  seeing the most beautiful blue eyes and a sweet loving smile as I smiled in return.
"what time is it?"  I asked as I seen him holding my cup of coffee in his left hand as i now took it,  as he now sat  on the  coffee table right in front of me as I smiled and took a sip of my coffee.
"its close  for me to be leaving to School will you be alright while Im gone" Lucas asked.

"Yes of course, "I smiled to my son  as I now stood up  and sowly moved over to him  kissing his forehead.
"Go get going , i don't want you to miss School"   i smiled at my son as he too now stood.
"ok, I'll see you when i get home.." Smiled Lucas as he now walked out.

"ok  I will be waiting for you " I called out before he shut the door.
I sighed as i managed to walk into the kitchen as the door bell now rang I groaned a bit as I walked over to the door as I now answered, as I opened it there I saw my Favorite Commander.. Jonathan ford as i smiled.
I moved aside as I let him enter  as I seen him now turning to face me as he smiled as he held out a large bag as he placed it upon the floor.
"Dr. Westphalen you still look beautiful as always"Smiled the commander.
"I bet you tell that to all the ladies you met Commander"

Commander ford laughed  at  Dr. Westphalen as he now handed a bag of birthday gifts .
"Everyone  at the SeaQuest got gifts for Lucas" 

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