Taken Against his will

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The day went well for Lucas, he got to hang around with his few friends, they chatted and talked about the university's they were planning to go to, Lucas was undetermined where he was going to go he didn't want to be to far away from his mother.... he sighed as they finally asked the same question to him, he shrugged as he answered.
"Probably here to be with my mom, I can't see myself away from her, I mean she's my only parent I ever had since I was born"
"Aww Luc, how cute,Mama's Boy"laughed Kevin as he lightly punched Lucas's arm as he now laughed and shoved his best friend and lightly punched his arm in return as they now both laughed now hearing the bell now ringing they both quickly stood and went their seperate ways .

meanwhile back at the Westphalen residence :
"so hows Luc doing? Ben asked as kristen held the packages in her hands .
"He's in school right now, I recieved a call last week from his councelor, they are planning to jump him to Senior due to his achievements of Science Tech, "
"Wow, Are you gonna let him jump to that grade?asked Ben.
" If I let him, we would have to move from here, The University they want to send him is in Dallas Texas or Los Angeles. " Kristen answered.
"Whats in Los Angeles?" Ben asked .
"University of Los Angles, Lucas's dreams getting his Bachelor's Degree for Science and Engineering" explained Kristen.
"If he does, are you willing for him to join seaQuest under Captain Bridger? " asked Ben.

Kristen scoffed. " I don't think so "
"Kris, The Captain has to know about his son"
Kristen negatively nodded, "No, he won't know, I..I cannot let Lucas Know about his father"
"You cannot hide him forever Kristen, he will find out eventually, not by you or me, by someone , anyone else and you know that " Ben explained.
Kristen closed her eyes as she now sighed, thinking of the outcomes ... thinking how her son Lucas would end up missing or people using him to get to his father using him as bait to gain control of the seaQuest, she now sighed as she wiped her tears away and hiding them from spilling.
"I..I will hide him from everyone, I'll take him somewhere no one can use him" Kristen now cried .
"You cannot hide him forever , from his biological father Kris, he has a right to know," argued Ben.

"Look I didn't come to argue with you I volunteered to bring these gifts for Lucas, each one is from everyone from The SeaQuest minus The Captain, Just think about it Kristen, talk to the Captain tell him the real reason why you left the SeaQuest , everyone knows the truth, he doesn't you left him in the dark ...."

within that moment Ben now turned and walked out of the house as he walked to the rental car as he sat there for a few minutes slamming his palms against the steering wheel as he turned the iginition of the car as he now drove away.

Meanwhile @ School...
The Bell just rang for passing period as students wandered the halls, laughter, giggling, bouncing basketballs, teachers talking as they walked thru the halls as Lucas appeared into the Halls as avoided everyone around him as he held his backpack tightly into his right hand as he walked to through the halls with the other kids walking in silence.
Lucas looked around cautiously as he seen his friends now behind him, he laughed seeing the red all over his friends as he laughed hard, hearing his four friends from behind" YOUR GONNA get it luc!!!!!! yelled Ryan and Daniel."

Lucas managed to run out of the school halls and out the front doors now laughing as he stopped running he looked back hoping to see his friends, but nope, not either of his friends came out as he sighed now walking away from the school.
he knew that his friends would get even with him the next day as he now groaned.
he sighed as he was so in for it tomorrow by his friends.
Lucas walked another few blocks from the school til he got to his street to get home. he caught himself kicking a rock as he didn't know a white truck was following him from behind, he slowly took his time to get home as he lifted his head up as he seen his mother walk out of the house to retrieve the mail,"MOM!" he called out, kristen looked up seeing her son now waving to him, til she seen a white van now speeding up and pulling beside Lucas as the side door opened up as she saw a masked man now grabbing Lucas's Backpack and him pulling him into the van ,kristens eyes widen as she called out for her son's name,hearing her son calling out for her in return, Lucas's yells stopped as the driver drove away as she now chased the van as she fell onto the street grounds crying out her son's name over and over now hearing Bens words echoing her mind over and over.
'If you don't tell the Captian, someone else will tell Lucas the truth"

The van drove as Lucas cried out for his mom, he curled up as he cradled his backpack and held it tightly whimpering as he spoke.
"I want my mom, I want to go home please take me home"Lucas cried.
"Sorry kid, we had no choice, you are insurance policy to get the SeaQuest" said the male as he now reached for the handcuffs and grabbing Lucas's arms to his back as he put the handcuffs and placed a cloth around his eyes.

"P..please don't hurt me" whispered Lucas as he hiccuped as he continued to cry.

The male heard Lucas 's words as he now moved to the passengers seat as he looked over to the driver.
"he's very attached to his mother, can we do something to get her, he needs her "

"we can do something, but we need to do it another day, when she' alone ... we will have to change vans to go get her, thats if she's still there "

<word count 1,051>

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