chapter-2 long live the king

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Kion and Rani then Arrived near a waterfall . they sat there staring in awe at the beautiful sunset. 

"It's beautiful isn't it ? " asked rani. kion smiled

"That's not even close to how beautiful you are." replied kion. 

rani blushed. kion hugged her.  "I love you rani." said kion . "I love you too." she replied. 

"Hey rani wanna go stargazing?" Asked kion.  "of course kion." she replied happily.

they reached the plain areas of the tree of life. 

after a while of stargazing rani nuzzled kion. he took it as sign that she wanted to tell him something yet he was not sure. 

"Yes rani?" asked kion. 

"I need to tell you someting." said rani. 

"yes?" asked kion. 

"i-i" rani stuttered. 

"go on." said kion. 

"I really need to apologise to you due to how I treated you when you first came here. You helped defend the the tree of life even if it was you who needed help with your scar. I'm so sorry kion . I was rude to you yet you were always there for me . you helped me get over my grandmother's death.  I- I don't know if anyone else could have done that.what I need to know is  can you you ever forgive me?" said rani with tears rolling down her cheeks. she clenched her eyes shut,turning her face away from kion. she felt something pull her and hug her. it was kion. he licked her cheek. She blushed.

 She blushed

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"It's okay rani. I already forgave you."  he said. 

"you did?" asked rani wiping away her tears. 

"of course." he replied. 

after a while of stargazing again, kion took a deep breath. 

"Rani ?" asked kion 

"yeah?" she replied. 

"I wanted to ask if... "

"what is it kion ? 

"I wanted to ask you if  you could be my wife." Rani's eyes widen but in a happy way. "y-you mean -"

"yes rani. Will you marry me?" Asked kion.

"yes!" Replied rani . She was over the moon with joy. she kissed kion. he kissed her back . 

"then long live the king and queen!!!" came a voice. It was makini.

"Makini ? when did you get here ?" Asked rani.

"A while ago. enough to see you two proposing. your'e so cute together. " she said.

kion and rani blushed a deep shade of red.

"okay. i'll leave you two love lions to be alone. " says makini leaving the area.

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