💓Part 9💓

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Me, daddy and the boys thought that we should all go to the park. We walked down the concrete path, daddy and Kookie on either side of me. Jungkook was very sweet, he gave me lots of compliments but daddy interrupted him through some of them. Maybe he was jealous. Well he shouldn't be, it's not like he's my boyfriend, just a caregiver...r-right?!

We found a spot to sit on the grass, each of us laid down a blanket and sat upon them. Eating some delicious food that Mother Jinie cooked.

Hehe that's my nickname of Jin! CUTE!

Jimin and Taehyung brought their soccer ball since Hobi and the two wanted to play together. I sat on daddy's lap, holding his hand. Well-....playing with his rings. Yoongi was laying down, I think he was sleeping since he had his eyes closed for a while and his lips were agape. Jin was munching away on the chicken screwers that he whipped up in the kitchen. And Jungkook we sitting besides me and Joonie, picking on the grass whilst watching Taetae, Jiminie and Hobi challenge each other in a little match they created.

Daddy Joonie's phone rang and pulled it out of his side pocket and answered it.
"Hello?" "Ah, okay" "yup, mhm" was the only answers I could hear, coming from daddy. Until, "yes sir, we'll be right there!" Daddy gently tapped my thigh a few times, signalling me that he needed to get up. I hoped and he called out of the guys. "We gotta go guys, Bang PD needs us!" Everyone stopped what they were doing and started to pack up. I looked up at Joonie and he leant down to me whilst the others started walking away. He picked a flower off the floor and tucked it behind my ear.

"My darling Y/N. I've never felt so close to someone until I met you. I want you in my life forever. So would you please give me the honour to be your lover and will you please be my girlfriend?"
I smiled widely and hugged him so tightly.
"YES!!" I cried out, with no hesitation he pulled me into a very passionate kiss. Closing both of our eyes as he dipped me, enjoying the moment and pulled me back up.
"I gotta go, I'll text you later, stay safe darling!" He pecked my nose and pulled apart, walking backwards towards the guys whilst he was smiling at me.
"Okie, bye daddy!" I smiled widely.

"Goodbye princess, I love you."

"I love you more daddy!"

He chuckled and winked at me.
"I love you most."

I melted and waved until my vision of him was blurry from how far we were apart. I went my separate way, back to my now beautiful apartment. Daddy left his hoodie on the sofa, I threw it over my head and pulled it down to cover my hips and twirled around with a big smile on my face.

I say that my fairy tale has just begun!

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