💓Part 3💓

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Namjoon's POV:

This girl, Y/N. She looked so pure, delicate and seemed very shy. She seemed childish, in a good way though.

She made me feel a certain way. Love at first sight? WHAT? NO NO NO! Namjoon! You just met the girl for crying out loud! Hmm, maybe I should try and make a move. Try and start a friendship perhaps.

"So what brings you here by yourself sweetheart?" I asked her. She stated,
"I could ask chu the same thing mwister." Okay okay okay, she got me on that one. I chuckled out, "Fair enough. I like to explore. I find nature very fascinating, it's like a way for me to forget about the things that I struggle with. I way for me to cope with the other half of the world. I like peaceful settings like this."
Her head shot up when I said "cope".
Maybe there's gonna be a big side to her...
I looked at her, furrowing my brows, giving her my permission to start talking.
"I'm here because I need to study for a test that's close. Things at home are really tough right now. I guess this is another way for me to cope too." She hummed softly. The last sentence made me curious even more. And asked her "what was the other way for you to cope?" She ignored me and started packing up.

I grabbed her hand and she looked up at me.
"I gotta g-" I cut her off, "can I please have your number?" She nodded and we swapped numbers with each other. We both went our separate ways.

in the dorms

"You were gone for quite some time hyung." Jungkook mumbled as he stuffed his face with ramen that Jin made for all of us.
"Yeah, I guess I got caught up." I replied.
Jimin jumped in our conversation,
"Caught up with whoooooooo????" Jimin smirked.
"Yah! Get out of here!" I whined and blushed, thinking about the girl that I met earlier.
"Oh my my my! You've actually met someone, didn't you?!" Jungkook and Jimin came swarming around me.
"N-no, well...yes! Yes I did!" I sighed, admitting the truth that the two maknaes managed to get out of me.
I'm guessing Taehyung, Hobi and Jin over heard and ran up to me as well. All of this shouting in my ear. All could be heard from the boys was, "WHO?" "HE OR SHE?" "OMG YOU MET A GIRL?" "WHATS HER NAME?" "IS SHE HOT?" I answered all of their questions as much as I could until we heard a grunt from the other side of the room.
A grumpy Yoongi came in, with messy hair and chubby cheeks. "Can you guys shut up, It's late and I'd like to sleep today, thanks!" He mumbled.
"Sorry Yoongs.." the 6 of us apologised to the second oldest who went back to him room and shut the door.

We all finished dinner and went to bed, ready for tomorrow.

Namjoon x reader (little space oneshot)Where stories live. Discover now