Chapter 57

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Julie's POV:


Demi wants to quit her job right away but she sadly can't. I wish she could though, it'd all be a whole lot easier. She has been busy with writing her own songs in the past two weeks. She's working her ass off to get a chance in the music industry, which is pretty hard. It takes strength and commitment to make it.

Other than that, I've been really busy as well. As Demi was busy working in her new projects, I got some time for myself to practice sports and stuff. Right now, I'm just at home with Jay while the girls are playing soccer outside.

"Jay, do you want some?" I asked him, pointing at the refrigerator for something to drink. "Yeah." He said in response and I got hun a glass of sweet lemonade.

"How are things between you and Elena?" I winked at him as I sat down on the couch. "We're good. Taking things slow." He blushed. "Taking things slow huh. That's what we did as well till she asked me to marry her." I laughed, so did he. "You guys are just weird. We really are taking things slow. She's had a rough time during the last few months so I want to give her the space she needs." He explained to me. "That's sweet. Why did she have a rough time?" I asked him.

"Her brother had an accident and passed away. They were really close and always together so it must've been very hard for her." He said as I nodded. "That's really... fucked up." I said and he agreed.

"Julie, can I ask you something?" He suddenly said after a while. "Go ahead." I answered.

"What have you been up to the last few months?" He looked at me. "I've been busy with soccer practice, school and stuff." I told him. "Not that part. You've been coming home really late at night and you're suddenly paying all of the bills." Hé frowned his eyebrows. "Well these bills cant pay themselves, do they?" I rolled my eyes at him.

"I have soccer several times a week and if it's not with the team, it's just me on the field. That's why I come home late at night, it helps me to get everything off my mind for a little." I sighed and stood up to get myself another glass of lemonade, I'm thirsty.

"Just be honest with me." He pushed a bit. "What do you mean? I just did." I sat down again. "I can see when you're lying Julie. I've known you your entire life. You couldn't pay the bills in the last 2 years and now you're suddenly paying every single one of them, without a doubt. That's strange and you're not being a 100% honest with me." He said, starting to get a bit frustrated.

"Can we have something to eat?" Camilla asked. Saved by the bell I suppose. "What do you want?" I asked them. "Eggs." They smiled so I started making eggs for them. "You want some as well Jay?" I asked him without looking at him. "Sure." He answered.

"Why don't you girls go play outside till lunch is ready." Jay suggested and they did what he said.

"So." He said as he came to stand right besides me. "So what? Can't I have a life and do things I like? I have a job now Jay, because no one else in this house pays the bills because no one is able to and I'm the one responsible. Just leave it be." I bursted out. "What kind of job do you have?" He asked me because he probably doesn't believe me.

"I work at a bar in town. I don't like the job but I have to do it." I sighed, knowing he won't stop till I'll tell him the truth. "Which bar?" He asked again. "None of your business. Let it go."

"Just be honest with me. You're not working at a bar. You're fucking lying to me Julie, I know it because I know you." He pitched his voice a little. "Fuck off Jay. It's my life and I can make my own decisions." I rolled my eyes.

"Does Demi know?" He asked me. "Does Demi know what? You're bullshitting." I sarcastically laughed. "Does she know what you've been up to? Because right now I'm done with your shit so I'm going to knock on her door and ask her myself." He said and walked towards the door. "Stop it." I warned him but he kept on walking.

"I said stop it." I sternly said this time and he stopped walking. "I can live my life the way I want to. I can make my own decisions and I will do anything to make the money we need to take care of the girls." I now said with tears in my eyes.

"That's exactly what this is about Julie. We are taking care of two children so we need to communicate with each other about everything. I want to know what you've been up to because we live together and you're family. I care about you, all I want from you is to just be honest with me and tell me how you got all of that money." He sighed and gave me a hug. "I don't have that much money, I just had enough to pay for the bills so I did." I told him, which was partly true.

"I know you have a few more thousand underneath your bed. You can quit the crap because I'm pissed at you for lying to me this entire time. Just tell me what you've been up to and then we can figure it out together."

"Girls, lunch." I yelled for them to come inside and eat. "You are going to drop the subject and act like nothing happened." I pointed at Jay and sighed as I turned around to focus on the food.

"We'll talk about this later." He mumbled. "We won't." I mumbled this time.

Here's the thing. There's been a lot going on in my life of which nobody knows a thing and I'd like to keep it that way. It all started when Demi left for her recovery, things have been going down the road. Although I'm doing much better, there's a certain thing going on that only I know of and that's not going to change.

Text from Demi:
"Can we talk? My place in 5. Much love."

I texted her back right away to tell her I'm on my way. I don't know what this is about but I'm really hoping it's something fun because I can't handle anyone else being worried about me for no reason.

"I'm going over to Demi's for a while. See you later." I kissed the girls goodbye and then left the house to go over to Demi's.

"Hey." I smiled as she opened the door. I walked in and as soon as she closed the door I gave her a passionate kiss.

"What's up?" I asked her as I sat down. "Jay texted me. He says he's worried about you." She sighed and looked at me. "Why's that?" I asked her to get a bit more information about what Jay has told her.

"He says you haven't been home much and when you are, you seem to be really tired." She explained to me. "I already talked to him about it, it's nothing. I've been busy with my soccer practices and school work is keeping me up at night." I said.

"He says you don't even go to soccer practice most of the time..." She hesitated a bit to say that.

"I'm worried about you Julie. You've been skipping a lot of classes ever since I came back and even my class. You can talk to me." She gave me a sympathetic smile.

"I can't."

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