Chapter 26

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Julie's POV:

"I love you." She looked me in the eyes so I just simply smiled and hugged her. She's vulnerable right now and I don't want to take any kind of advantage of that.

"You should get some rest Dems. Are you going to work tomorrow?" I asked her and she nodded. "As I said, I'm trying to distract myself the best I can." She shrugged. "I'm glad you'll be there." I smiled at her.

"Julie?" She suddenly asked as I was about to leave. "Yes?"

"Can you stay for the night?" She hopefully asked and I nodded. "Sure, just let me grab some stuff." I said and walked over to my place.

"Hi Cat." I smiled and hugged her. "Come get some food. I got your favorite." I said and filled her bowls.

I grabbed some clean underwear, jeans, socks and a simple T-shirt. Other than that I got my tooth brush, my make up and my phone charger. I put everything in a bag and wrote a note.

To Jay, Cams and Alissa,
I'll be staying the night at Demi's. There are some things going on and she needs a friend.
I love you. Big kisses. See you tomorrow, Jay would love to use my car to bring you to school. Bye!

I grinned at the end of it and then grabbed my keys and walked over to Demi's.

"Hey, I'm back." I yelled but I got nothing in response. I heard her voice though, so I walked over to the kitchen.

"He-" I tried but she shushed me. It's okay though, it seems to be important as she was talking to someone on the phone.

"Yeah, I understand." She said. "How couldn't you have found out sooner?" She asked. I really can't make up any of this conversation.

"Okay. Well, thank you. I'll talk to you soon." She hung up the phone.

"What was that about?" I asked her. "That was my private detective." She simply said. "Private detective?" I asked her. "Yeah." She said.

"I'm kind of waiting for an explanation but if you don't want to tell me, it's okay." I hopefully said.

"I hired a private investigator. Do you remember that one time you saw a flash coming from outside?" She asked me so I nodded. How could I forget.

"Things like that have been happening to me a lot more and it creeps me out." She said. "Holy shit. That's really just not okay." I sat down next to her. "If anything like that happens again, just text or call me. I'll personally kick him in the balls." I said and she giggled. "What if it's a girl?" She laughed. "I'll kick her somewhere else." I laughed as well now.

"So what couldn't he find out sooner?" I dared to ask her but she seemed to be in deep thoughts. "They found her little sheep but they couldn't give me any details and they couldn't let me come over." She said and was about to freak out.

"I get that it's hard to hear this just now and not get any details but you have to be patient Dems. They are doing the best they can. I understand it's really fucked up but let go of it for today and do something for yourself." I tried to say but the words really just couldn't find their way.

"I want it to end." Demi said. "I know sweetheart." I whispered and pulled her into a big hug.

"How about we go out tonight? Have some fun and forget about everything." I suggested. "I guess." She shrugged. "Come on. Let's find you something nice to wear and make you look gorgeous." I smiled but she seemed offended.

"Are you saying I'm ugly?" She tried to pretend as if she was hurt. "Shut up." I punched her on her arm, took her hand and walked upstairs.

"I could go naked." She said and my eyes widened. "I'm just kidding, loser." She giggled and looked through her clothes.

"I'm going to take a quick shower, is that alright?" She asked me so I just nodded and smiled at her.

I was just playing some games on my phone when I felt Demi's phone vibrate. I hesitated to pick up but I did.

Phone conversation:
"He-" I tried to say but got cut off.
"Demi, listen. They found her. They found your girl. You need to come down to the station right now." The guy said in a rush.

"I'm not Demi. She's in the bathroom. I'll tell her to get there as soon as she can." I said.

"Tell her she might not know that Demi's her mother. Drive safe." He said and hung up.

I was shocked for a bit and then stood up and knocked on the door.

"Come in!" She yelled. I walked in and grabbed her stuff together whilst explaining what just happened.

"Dems. Promise me you won't freak the fuck out?" I asked her. "I promise." She said. "I felt your phone buzzing so I picked up. This guy told me they found your daughter and you need to get there as soon as possible." I said in a rush, not knowing how to act.

She turned off the shower and dried her body within a minute. She dressed up and I gave Demi her stuff.

"Do you want me to come?" I asked her and she just nodded, clearly holding back her tears.

"Dems, it's alright. I'll drive." I said and took the car keys. We drove off to the station and during the drive, all we heard was silence.

"Demi. The guy said something about the fact that Madeline might not remember you. He didn't want to get your hopes down but she was really young when she was taken away." I tried to tell her.

"I'm just glad she's back." She said with a rough voice.

"We're here." I said and we got out.

We rushed our way inside and Demi immediately asked for this guy. We were told to sit down and wait for him to get to us.

"Are you okay?" I asked Demi. She nodded. "Look at me." I softly but sternly said and asked her again. "Are you okay?" I asked and tears formed in her eyes. "Come here." I held her tight till someone walked up to us.

"Girls, come with me." He said. "Can I see her?" Demi immediately asked. "Not yet. You have to be patient. We need to talk first." He said and walked into his office, as we followed.

"We found her in a normal house and normal neighbourhood. She seemed to have a good life so far. I don't want to offend you or make you feel bad but that's just the truth. I'm telling you this because she may not remember you. This is scary for her as well as it is for you. We need to be patient and content with her feelings about the whole situation. She only had a fatherly figure. He's also the one that took her from you all these years ago. Do you know this man?" He asked Demi and held up a picture. We both looked at it but we didn't know the guy.

"He's in custody for abduction and intoxicating your privacy." He said and Demi sighed.

"Let's go see her." He said and we just nodded. I took Demi's hand as we walked down there.

"It's going to be okay." I said and squeezed her hand.

"Here we are. Please, wait here." He told me. "It's already much of a pressure for a child to meet the woman she was taken away from, let alone two of them." He sympathetically smiled at me so I just nodded.

"You can watch us on the screen." He said and pointed to the TV on the wall. "Thanks." I said and walked over to the TV screen.

Demi walked in and tried to hold back her tears, which didn't quite work.

"Madeline?" She asked and the girl looked at her. Her eyes widened as she saw Demi. Madeline walked over to her and touched her arms and face. Demi seemed just as shocked as I was.



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