Chapter 40

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— One week later —

"Dear Demi,

We would like to invite you to our auditions, congratulations! You can prepare your own show, let us know what you need for it and we will take take of it. You will be expected on Thursday January 30th at 14:00 o'clock.
Good luck!

Kind regards,

America's Got Talent"

This is from a letter we've got a couple of days ago. Demi got invited to fucking AGT. See, here's the thing, my dad will probably be a judge but I honestly don't know and I didn't even think about it. I don't talk to him that much since he's always working but when I do it's not about his job so I really don't know what he's up to.

I told Demi as soon as I got the letter. At first she was really confused and she didn't get it but after a while she started to seem really happy with it. She wants to sing an original song so she wrote a whole new one and she didn't want me to know anything of it.

"You ready?" I yelled. Demi's been upstairs to change for like an hour now but we really gotta go to avoid traffic.

"Coming!" I got in response.

There she is. She's wearing black jeans with a gorgeous green top on it. Her make up is on fire and in my opinion, she really is the prettiest woman in the whole wide world.

"Are you nervous?" I asked her as we sat down in the car, along with Jay, Camilla and Alyssa in the backseat. "Just a bit." She said.

"My dad might be there. I don't know, I texted him but he didn't text back yet so he could easily be one of the judges, just so you know." I told Demi. "That's okay." She smiled and put her hand on my lap.

We bought tickets to sit somewhere close to the stage, we can't go with her because it'll be on TV and in the end she's still my teacher. We're currently on our way to pick up Marissa, who will be with her.

The ride didn't take that long. It's actually terrifying to know that my dad will probably be there, judging my girlfriend who's also my teacher. I mean she's not my girlfriend but it kinda feels like she is but she isn't, I guess. Anyways, my dad doesn't really care about it that much but he'll be disappointed once he hears our story.

Just gotta keep it quiet huh.

"Let's go inside." I heard Marissa say, which got me out of my mind.

"Just a second!" I said and gave Demi a kiss first.

"I know you can do this. You'll rock it baby. I'll be in the crowd, cheering for you. Good luck sweetheart, you'll win this shit." I smiled and gave her one more kiss. "Thank you." She said.

"We'll stay in touch." I winked at Marissa whilst Jay, Alyssa and Camilla wished Demi good luck and then we went our own ways.

"I'm so fucking nervous and I'm not even the one who's auditioning." I sighed. "She'll be fine Jules, she'll kill it." Jay reassured me.

We sat down in the crowd and guess who's sitting at the judge's table? Ding ding ding! It's my dad.

There are just a few minutes left till the show will start so I decided to walk up to the security to ask if I can see my dad. He had to ask a colleague but then I was allowed to talk to him. I grabbed Camilla's hand and then we walked over to him.

"Hi dad." Cams said and he looked at us with a surprised but happy expression on his face. "Girls. What are you doing here?" He asked us but mainly looked at me.

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