Chapter 8

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"The school counselor just called. He wants to speak with both of us once we arrive at school." She said. "Why does he want to talk to us?" I asked, kind of stressed.

"I don't know Jules but let's not jump into any kind of conclusions." She calmly said.

"I'm gonna go by my own car. Then it won't be suspicious." I said. "No don't do that. If they ask, let's just say we're neighbours and your car didn't start." She said.

We finished breakfast and then left to go to school.

"I'm nervous." I said. "Don't be love." She smiled.

Once we arrived at school I saw Jay and Megs already smoking. I really wanted to join them and tell Jay what's going on but I feel like Demi wouldn't appreciate it right now.

"Let's just go straight to the counselor." I said and she nodded.

I saw Jay en Megs giving me some weird looks but I mouthed to them that I'd tell them later.

"Don't be nervous." She said before she knocked on the door.

"I'll try." I said and then Mr. Memlõs opened to door. He's the school counselor, by the way. I'm guessing he's Spanish or Brazilian, according to his last name and to his appearance.

"So ladies. I wanted to talk to you about something. Take a seat." He said and then sat down as well.

"You two seem to get along very well. I'm happy to see you, Demi, building up some great connections with your students." He said and then paused.

"Anyways, here's the thing." He started. "It's National Coming Out day at out school next week. I was wondering if you would like to talk a bit about your coming out and how you feel about it now." He said and I felt a giant rush of relieve and according to Demi's reaction, she feels the same way.

"I'd love to." She smiled widely which made me giggle. "Me too, that'd be very nice." I added and he just smiled.

"Well that's great! You just need to talk about your experiences, the reactions and especially the positive parts of it. We want to encourage kids to come out of the closet and live their life to the fullest." He smiled.

It's great that he wants to encourage kids and be there for them but somehow he kind of seems like a bit of a creep. It could also just be me, I have that feeling with a lot of people.

"Thank you ladies. I'll see you next week!" He said and then we left.

"See you next week!" We said in common which made the three of us laugh.

"Wasn't so bad, huh?" Demi winked at me once he closed the door.

"I have to go to class. I'll see you after school." I smiled. "Excuse me, I actually have your class today." She smirked. "Well in that case, see you in class, monkey." I smiled and then walked off to class.

I'm having Maths first period. It's really boring but ever since Marissa teaches us, it feels like it's much more fun. She's just sarcastic as hell and she doesn't care about much.

"Hey Marissa. Sorry for being late, I was at the principal's office with D-, Miss Lovato." I quickly said the last part. I'm just not supposed to call Demi by her first name at school.

"That's fine, take a seat." She smiled, kind of smirked. Well, she's still Demi's best friend so I can't blame Demi if she told her anything.

"What kind of teacher do you guys want to be?" Marissa suddenly asked. "I want to be a music teacher." Megs said. Her voice is really good and she can play multiple instruments so I bet she'd be a hell of a good teacher.

"I'd like to be a teacher for young kids. I guess the ages will be between 4 and 10 years old. You can really teach them something they need in their future, no matter what." Jay said and I agreed. "Me too." I smiled.

Some of the other kids said some stuff but I couldn't really focus anymore.

"What were you doing at the principal's office?" Jay suddenly whispered. "Mr. Memlõs wanted to ask us if we would like to speak about some things at National Coming out Day." I said and he suddenly gives a really complicated facial reaction.

"Who in hell is Mr. Memlõs?" He asked which made me burst into laughter.

"Mind to tell us what's going on?" Marissa asked me. "Sorry, he just asked who Mr. Memlõs is. Well, he's the principal, cocky." I grinned and so did Marissa.

First period went by very fastly and all of the sudden I'm in Demi's classroom.

"Class. Just a second, please." She asked the class to calm the fuck down.

"Today I'm going to let you do whatever you want. I'm actually tired and I need to do a lot of work so feel free to play an instrument or use your voice. Next week, you have to sing along with 3 other classmates. Make sure it sounds well and think about using instruments. Be creative, use your own mind. Be aware, this is your homework for next week! Good luck guys." She said and started whatever she needed to do

"Jay, Megs, Jasmin. Do you guys want to pair up with me?" I asked them before anyone else could. "Yeah sure." The three of them agreed.

"What song should we sing? And are we going to play an instrument?" Megs asked. "Well, I can't sing. You really don't want to hear that so I could play an instrument." Jay said and Jasmin immediately agreed.

"So how about Megs and I are going to sing whilst you two are going to play the guitar and piano?" I asked them. "Great!" Jay smiled.

"Do we have a song yet?" Meghan asked. "No but I was thinking about 'This is me' from the Greatest Showman." I said and they nodded.

"We could have a great performance if we just practice for a bit. Think about it, Jay and Jasmin could definitely play an instrument and use their voice as back up singer at the same time. I'll help you guys with some vocals. Megs, we could nail these high notes and sing from the bottom of our hearts. Your voice is amazing so we could surely do that if you guys agree." I suggested and they all agreed again. Well, that was easy.

We started some resource for the chords and we practiced the lyrics. It's a really gorgeous lyrics with such an important message.

We practiced a lot and it started to sound really well. Sadly, soon enough the bell rang and class was over. We just got the message that our last period isn't going through so we've got to go home early, such a bummer!

"Hey miss Lovato. Can we talk for a moment?" I asked whilst everyone was still walking out of class.

"Yeah, sure." She smiled.

Once everyone left the room it was just the two of us.

"I think I'm taking a bus home. I'm already finished for today and I bet you aren't." I grinned. "That's indeed a true story. But you know what, just take my car. I'll drive home with Marissa, she's coming over for dinner anyways." She smiled.

"Aren't people going to see that and talk about it?" I asked her.

"Yeah but who cares babe. Calm down and just make it seem like there's nothing going on." She said. I love her confidence.

"You can pick up the keys at my apartment if you want. I'll just eat at my place today so you'll have some time with Marissa." I said and took my stuff together.

"She actually comes over to dinner for you."


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