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I've never spent the entire day in bed

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I've never spent the entire day in bed. Not once in my life. But the second I crawled my sorry butt into my room at George and Jane's I haven't left the small room.

As I napped and also layed there tossing and turning regretting my decisions last night I screen a call from my dad as well as Jeremy.

When a text message from Jeremy comes through I don't even open it before I delete it. I have no interest to hear what he has to say. Cheating is cheating to me, no matter how he wants to try to explain it away.

I've set my Instagram to private and have yet to go through all the comments, likes, tags, and friend requests. I will save that for another day when my head doesn't feel like mush.

It's while I'm reading an email from one of my professors accepting my Emergency Leave Request my father initiated, I get a DM notification from Instagram. My headache dissipates momentarily and I feel the butterflies in my belly as a pop up message from Oliver Thomas appears near the top of my screen. I can't tap my screen fast enough and read the message.

O: How are you feeling? Making sure you are still alive.

Me: I'm conscious but clinging to life. I'm never drinking like that again.

O: Lol I've said that thousands of times.

Me: I think I'll leave the drinking to the professionals AKA you and Maggie.

I continue smiling as the notification at the bottom of my screen tells me he's typing and wait for his response.

Last night was an incredibly huge disaster but I am so thankful to have had such a great time with Ollie. For a moment, excluding all the alcohol, it was like we were back to being friends.

I rub my tired sore eyes and place my glasses back to my face still watching the signal at the bottom blinking the word typing

Sheesh, is he writing a novel?

After another long minute he finally sends the message.

O: Well I hope you had fun.

That's it? Five words? After nearly writing for three minutes he managed to get out five words?

I set my phone back down on the end table and glare at the floral pink wallpapered ceiling. Suddenly irritated.

My phone vibrates again and my heart beats wildly out of my chest so I sit up a little too fast and snatch my phone, fixing my glasses on my face. My excitement plummets when I see I have a text message from my dad. Before I throw my phone I stand and leave the bedroom altogether.

I came here to get away from my horrible father and yet he still is controlling every aspect in my life. I know for a fact my dad and Jeremy are talking about me and how I'm throwing my future away.

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