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"We need to get out of this house," I say as Ollie holds me to his chest sucking onto the front of my neck causing another round of butterflies to flutter in my gut and travel downwards.

I want to stay in this bed with him but at the rate we're going and every time we find ourselves in a bout of kissing I find it harder and harder to not want to have sex with him.

"Are you sure, Murry?" He teases holding the backs of my thighs and gives them a tight squeeze.

"Yea. We need to go do something. Would you want to go to the village with me?" I ask coming up with the idea on the spot even though he is rocking me back and forth on his erection as I'm speaking.

"Go out in public?" His hands rocking me slow and slight worry etches between his dark brows.

"Come on. No one in this tiny village is going to care who you are. Just slap a hat on or wear glasses."

He looks to the window nearby and then back to me with a cocked brow, "It's too dark for sunglasses. But fine, only if I get to pick where we have drinks."

"Deal." I hop off and throw my suitcase onto the bed digging through finding a quick outfit and fresh underwear.

I decide on an old pair of flare jeans and a thin rosy pink sweater. I toss my new panties on top and dig through for a different bra. Ollie, sits up then reaches for the pink underwear and holds them up between his hands, "Cute, Murry."

"Shut up. Go on, I need to get ready." I snatch them quickly and grab my clothes going to the en suite bathroom glancing back over my shoulder at Ollie checking out my backside. "Go!"

He rolls his eyes and dramatically rolls off the bed in only his boxers and shuffles out across the hall.


"Tell me why we are walking when I have a perfectly working car?" Ollie asks returning a look at his precious car parked in front of the manor. Meanwhile, a smile pulls at my lips and the cool air blows the smell from the surrounding wildflowers and strands of my loose hair in front of my face.

"Because it's nice," I say tucking the strands behind my hair. "And don't you miss walking? Can you even do it anymore, Mr. Hotshot?"

He fixes the black ball cap to his head and blows out a sigh giving me a knowing glance, "Sure, I can. It just stresses me out."

"Well," I feel a little brave so I grab his hand linking my fingers between his, "I don't think you have to worry about that here. If I'm wrong, which I'm never wrong, then I owe you a favor."

"A big favor. Of my choosing." He glances at my hand and just smiles continuing our slow meandering down the dirt driveway.

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