The Yule Ball Part 3

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Warnings: angst as fucc, fluff, crying

Severus' POV:

Y/N didn't show up to any of her classes the day after the Yule Ball, nor did she go to the great hall for meals. I felt horrible. What could have possibly been going through my head to make me do something so
utterly horrible to someone so pure?

The day after, I saw her walking to class. There were students all around her but she was alone, books in hand. She looked as if she had been trying hard not convey any emotions. Trying to keep up the charade of that happy little Y/H. Trying and failing. I could see her sadness from a mile away.

I went up to her. "Y/N" no response. "Y/N, please let me explain" no response. The truth was, I had no explanation. There was no excuse for what I did. I just needed to talk to her.

"Please-" "Get away from her, she clearly doesn't want anything to do with you, so why don't you back off?" A girl I recognised as Marlene McKinnon, one of Y/N's friends, walked right up to me and stared me down. The last thing I wanted to do was get into an argument with her close friend, who did happen to be right. I looked at Y/N one more time, before nodding and leaving.

Later that day, Marlene came up to me, determination in her eyes. "Snape. I want you to stay away from Y/N. What you did to her was disgusting and pathetic. She's better off without you, so if you could please leave her alone and let her heal, that would be great. If not, I won't hesitate to send the Marauders after you." She didn't wait a second for my response before she was off.

Marlene wasn't wrong. Not in the slightest.

One particular day, I saw Y/N walking through a corridor completely alone. I was ready to ambush her with apologies. There were no other students around her. Not even her annoying friend. She was alone. She was in her purest and realist state. No facade being put up and she.. she looked... broken. Her once bright eyes were dull and clouded with sadness, her hair was thrown into an untidy low ponytail, hairspray still visible in it. She was usually so put together and bubbly but that day I noticed her Y/H robes were sloppily put on, falling off her shoulders and there was a slight frown on her beautiful face.

I wanted to go up to her and apologise again. I wanted to just wrap her up in my arms and kiss her head and make everything better. I really did, but her words from that night came back to me. Marlene's words came back to me... I was the reason for her unhappiness.

I decided that I didn't deserve her forgiveness. She didn't need to forgive me, listen to me or even look at me if she didn't want to. Me talking to her and trying to apologise was probably making everything worse. So I did the only thing I thought was right. I took Marlene's advice. I left her alone.

Y/N's POV:

I tried to convince myself that he found amusement in seeing me in my current state. I knew that wasn't true though. He may have been selfish but he wasn't evil, and that's what made it harder to hate him.

There was rarely a time when he didn't occupy my mind. I sat it potions, thinking about how it was his favourite subject, my mind then wondered to other thoughts about him.

All the seemingly sweet things he had done played in my head like scenes from a movie. The more I thought about it, the more it odd it seemed. Like how he had asked me to go to hogsmeade with him, even though there was no way he could have known that Lily and James were going as well, or how he gave me his coat when I had forgotten mine, even though no one was there to see his actions... or even how he had given me that bracelet, in such an intimate moment with just the two of us. If his only goal was really just to make Lily jealous, surely he would have done those things in front of her, right?

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