『the beggining』

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Author's note : This is my first time writing a story since quarantine got me feeling dumb all day 🗿I'm sorry if i have some english mistakes since it's not my first language.

warning(?) : cringe and poor english hahah

3rd person pov:

It was late afternoon as a voice breaking the quite atmosphere by calling someone's name

“Amami-kun! ” Scream by the purple-haired boy. “Want to grab some food after you've done working? I've finished mine and boss told me i could go home earlier today! ” Chuckling a bit, It was Kokichi Ouma.

The green haired turn his head to see Ouma walking toward him. “Yeah, sure. Just a minute though. ” Amami said.

“It's almost done, I just need to do some checking to see if there's anything wrong before I sent it to our boss” He adds as he heard some giggling through Ouma's voice.

“Niishishi, You sure are a sloth at doing your job! ” The liar mocking his green-haired friend. Knowing him, Amami already know that he's just trying to make him more piss off but he just swept it away, minding his own bussiness.

“Hey mr. Avocado! Isn't it rude to ignore your precious little friend here? ”

“Isn't it rude calling your friends name? ” Amami giggled. Looking at Ouma, He's been making a pouty face and his crossing his arm to his chest.

“Whatever, Finish your work already! I'm getting bored waiting you. ” Amami nodded, while Ouma walking around waiting for him.

Rantaro Amami's pov :

It has been 1 and a half hours as the liar waiting for him to finish my work.

God, How can he be so patient by walking around the office while waiting for me? Bet he's just hollding back his anger.

Amami's thought as he saw Kokichi walking around the office. He can't remember how much laps he already walked though.

“Finally it's done. ” Amami sigh in relieve. His Purple-haired friend's eye sparkled as he spoke, “Fiiinaally! I have waiting for ages for you to finish your work and i even planned on how my evil organization will take over the world just now! ” Ouma smirked.

Yea sure whatever Mr. Panta

Knowing him, It's obviously one of his lies. I've been friends with him for 10 years now so I could tell he is lying or not.

“Come on, Ouma. I've finished packing my things. I'm kinda tired now so let's head away fast”

By the sound of my voice, It's obviously showed that I'm Tired as hell. I think Ouma even noticed about it though.

“You sure are lack of energy, mr. Avocado! ” Ouma giggles with a grin on his face.

《After eating and is currently walking to their home》

Kokichi Ouma's pov:

geez this green head is easily tired. Hope he would go to gym once in a lifetime

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