Chapter 1

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It was the middle of spring. Amelia was currently on a boat with her sister, Emily, that was headed to America.

Since the war started, they had been through a very rough time. They're father, who was a doctor, had been called to fight in the war and he was currently missing in action. And their mother had died when their apartment was bombed. And now, they were being forced to leave their country, along with many other children. Even if it was for their safety, it didn't make it any easier having to leave their home.

Next to her, Amelia felt Emily shivering. "Cold?" She asked, turning to her sister. Emily nodded. Amelia looked around for a blanket. When she spotted one, Amelia grabbed it and wrapped it around her sister.

"How longer are we going to be on the boat?" Emily said.

"I'm not sure." Amelia said. "Hopefully, not too much longer." They had been sailing for a week now. Amelia wrapped her arm around Emily.

A few hours later, it was early morning when the boat docked. Everyone was ushered off the boat and to a train station. Amelia had her bag in one hand and was pulling Emily along with the other. With this whole of thing of traveling to America, Emily had literally clung to Amelia and never left her side. Probably afraid that she would disappear. Since their mother, Amelia had done her best to be a mother figure to Emily and be there for her. And as much as this was hard on her too, she needed to care of Emily over herself.

They boarded a train that was headed to somewhere called Illinois. They spent even more hours traveling and being transported.

Finally, the train came to a stop and everyone boarded off. Amelia looked around, searching for the woman that they were supposed to meet. As well as keeping Emily close.

Once Amelia spotted the woman, they walked over to her. "Mrs. Shaw?" Amelia asked.

"Yes." The woman replied. "Are you two Amelia and Emily?"

"Yes Ma'am." Amelia answered.

"It's nice to meet you both." Mrs. Shaw said. "I'm terribly sorry about this, but there's been a little change in plans."

"What do you mean?" Amelia asked.

"I am no longer able to take you girls in." Mrs. Shaw answered.

"Why not?" Amelia asked.

"My son was injured and is being sent home." Mrs. Shaw explained. "So, I've found a replacement."

Just then, Amelia turned to see a woman she had not noticed yet.

"Hello, I'm Helen McIntyre." The woman greeted.

"It's nice to meet you, Mrs. McIntyre." Amelia said, shaking the woman's hand. "I'm Amelia and this is my sister, Emily."

"It's nice to meet you two, as well." Helen said. "Shall we get going?"

Amelia just nodded and she and Emily followed Mrs. McIntyre to the car. They all got in and Mrs. McIntyre drove off.

"May I ask how old you girls are?" Helen asked.

"I'm 14 and Emily is 10." Amelia answered.

"I have two daughters those ages." Helen said. "My daughter, Jill is 14 and my daughter, Molly is 10." Amelia just nodded.

When they arrived at the house, the three of them got out of the car. Amelia and Emily quietly followed Mrs. McIntyre into the house. There was a girl and a boy inside.

"Girls, this is my daughter, Jill and my son, Ricky." Helen introduced. "This is Amelia and Emily. They're from London and they will be staying with us for a while."

"It's very nice to meet you both." Jill said.

"Jill, Amelia's your age." Helen said. "So, I was thinking you could share your room with her."

"Alright." Jill said.

"We just need to move things around to make room for the both of you." Helen said. 

"I can do that now." Jill said.

"May I help?" Amelia asked.

"Oh no, dear." Helen said. "You relax and make yourself at home."

"Please." Amelia said. "It's the least I can do after you offered to take us in."

"Ok." Helen said. "You can follow Jill."

Amelia looked at Emily. "I'll be right back, ok?" She said. Emily nodded and Amelia followed Jill.

"I'm really sorry for what you and your sister had to go through." Jill said. "With having to leave your home."

"Thank you." Amelia said.

"I'm sure it wasn't easy having to leave your parents." Jill said.

"We didn't have any parents around." Amelia said. Jill looked at Amelia. "My mother died last year after our apartment was bombed." Amelia explained. "And our father is a doctor and enlisted in the war."

"My father is a doctor over there, too." Jill said. "Maybe they're working together."

"I don't think so." Amelia said. "My father's been missing in action for awhile now."

"I'm so sorry, Amelia." Jill said. "What's your father's name?"

"William Bennett." Amelia answered. "Why?"

"The next time we write to our father, we ask him if he can search for yours." Jill said.

"Please don't do that." Amelia said.

"Why not?" Jill said.

"We've already lost our mother and if we find out that our father is dead too, I don't know how Emily will react to losing both our parents." Amelia said. "It's easier to believe that our father is still alive while, than to face the reality that he could be dead."

"Ok." Jill said.

Once they finished, they walked out of the room. Amelia heard Emily talking in the kitchen. More so, she heard her lying about who their parents were. Jill and Amelia walked into the kitchen.

"Amelia, this is my other daughter, Molly, and her friends, Linda and Susan." Helen said.

"It's nice to meet you all." Amelia said.

"You as well." The girls said.

While they ate dinner, Ricky kept asking Amelia and Emily questions. Which made them uncomfortable. Amelia thought that he was way too interested in everything with the war. She understood that he was curious and people wanting to serve their country, but there was nothing exciting about war.

Later that night, Amelia was laying on her bed, reading a book. She was reading Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin. "Mia?" She heard. She knew it was Emily because no one else here knew that she went by that.

Amelia looked up to see Emily standing in the doorway. She moved over and motioned for Emily to sit next to her. Emily walked into the room and sat on the bed.

"How long are we going to be here for?" Emily asked.

"I don't know, Em." Amelia said.

"I'm scared." Emily said.

"I know." Amelia said, comforting her sister. "It's going to be ok. We're safe here." Emily nodded. They stayed there together, reading.

"You should head to bed." Amelia said, after a little bit. "It's getting late."

"Good night, Mia." Emily said.

"Good night, Em." Amelia said, kissing Em on the top of the head. "I love you."

"I love you, too." Emily said. She walked out of the room and Amelia continued reading.

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