
691 27 2

Houston, Texas
Wednesday 8:33 am

Deja | Dee

"You want me to go grab a textbook so we can write the facts?" Jay asked.

I nodded.

I couldn't wait to finish this project so that I would not have to talk to Jay. Right now I was practically being forced to talk to him.

"So how are you?" he asked trying to make conversation.


I ignored him and continued to work on the project not wanting to talk to him at all.

"You not gone be ignoring me for long"

Wtf. Who this nigga think he is.

"Don't talk to me. Talk to Dria, the one that you was kissing up on." I snapped.

"Hol on.. what?" He asked with a confused look. "I never kissed Dria a day in my life"

"That's not what I heard" I said.

"What you heard?"

"Dria told me y'all was at that lil kickback and y'all was drunk and y'all kissed" I stated.

"Mannn wtf" he said with his hands in his head. "That is not what happened. Dria was drunk, I was not. I was a lil tipsy but I was still in control of my actions and very aware of my surroundings. Dria came up to me trying to kiss me and I pushed her off of me. I was so disgusted that I left. I wasn't even at that party for all of 30 minutes." He said sounding sincere.

"Whatever Dria told you is a lie. She probably thought we kissed because she was so drunk but that is not what happened." He continued.

"Ok" I said dryly.

"Look Deja, I'm feeling you, and been feeling you"

Mhmm whatever

"Ok" I said continuing on the project.

11:40 am

"Wassup gang" Benji said sitting down at the table.

"What it do Benji boy" I said back.

"What's the move after school?" Khalil asked.

"I gotta job interview for target" I said.

My job interview was today and I was lowkey nervous for it. I wanted to get this job so badly.

"Hope you get it" Jamar said.

"We know my bestie gone kill it" Makayla said hyping me up.

"Most def" I said with the same energy.

Dria was at the table but she didn't say anything to me. We haven't talked since that night that she called me about me "stealing her man". That shii she pulled was dumb asl. And if Jay was telling the truth for real about what happened at the kickback, she would definitely be embarrassed.

3:16 pm

I pulled up to my house and went straight to my room to get dressed for my interview at 4:00.

I went to my closet and picked out some black pants, a cute blouse and a black blazer.

I called Makayla while I was getting dressed.

"Mann Kayla I'm nervous" I said as she answered the phone.

"Girl don't be. You got this" she said encouraging me.

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