Chapter 1: Eerie Skies

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The final bell rang, and I trotted out of civics class. February break was the only thing floating around in my head at the moment. The halls were packed with kids anxious to leave a jail I called hell for a week. I sighed as the little sixth graders swarmed the halls, making it difficult to make my way to my locker. Feeling no pity as I did it, I shoved through all of the kids like I normally do. As I pulled my backpack out of the locker, I almost fell over due to the force I used to pull it out. A girl stood in front of my locker before I could get my sweatshirt and binders, so I rolled my eyes. People like her are the reason why I absolutely despise school.

"Excuse me," I said with a fake tone. The girl shuffled to the side so I just barely had room to collect the rest of my stuff.

"Sorry," she responded in a mocking voice.

Homeroom at the end of the day was boring as usual. My best friend, Mackenzie, sits across the room, so I had no one to talk to. I'm not exactly what you'd call a social butterfly. The intercom came on and they called for buses. I got up and waited for Mackenzie like I do every day. The weight of my backpack was making me hunch over as I walked toward the back doors. The teachers would give us as much homework as possible just because we don't have school for a week. Something tells me that teachers don't realize that we have lives. Anyways, I pushed the door open and left school without looking back.

Everything outside seemed extremely eerie. From what I remember it was cold, but sunny this morning. Now, the skies were an unnatural green and gray haze. The smell of fresh rain soaking pine trees filled the air. You could just barely hear the pitter-patter of rain drops bouncing off of the pavement. Fear bolted through me as a large clap of thunder boomed in the distance.

"Is it just me or does it seem creepier than usual today?" I asked Mackenzie.

"I guess so," she replied while shrugging her shoulders.

The thunder got louder and there were multiple flashes of lightning. People started running to their buses including me. My bus driver smiled as I ran up the stairs. I was almost positive that a bolt of lightning had just struck the bus to the left of ours. Everyone looked mortified as the kids on that bus started screaming. Our bus sped away from the school as fast as possible.

It seemed as though that the dark clouds were swirling above the bus. People were frantically running out of shops downtown. A funnel cloud looked as though it was appearing above Papa Gino's, but it slowly retreated back into the sky. I was petrified of thunder, so I was shaking as I curled up against the bus seat. The rain was coming down so hard that you could barely see an inch in front of you. That caused to bus to drive at 5 mph. I just wanted to get home where I knew I would be safe. What a wonderful way to be starting February break, I thought to myself. Wind, thunder, and the pinging of rain drowned out my thoughts. When the bus finally arrived at the first bus stop, kids were refusing to get off the bus. My bus driver agreed to drop everyone off at their houses.

Everything seemed to look extra gloomy and creepy as the bus went down my street. Another bolt of lightning struck across the street from my house. There were no signs of people outside anywhere and I wouldn't blame them. As the bus approached my house, I already started dashing down the aisle. I ran down the stairs and almost slipped because the rain already started to make puddles in the bus.

"Be careful," my bus driver explained as I got off.

I raised my eyebrows and smiled awkwardly. "Okay," I responded.

The rain seemed to accumulate as I stepped out onto the sidewalk. Only a few more steps, I thought to myself as I struggled to get up the front steps. Out of all days I decided to wear my hair down. I now regretted that decision. I almost fell over as a gust of wind that must have been going at 80 mph at the least blew. This is February, I thought to myself. We shouldn't be getting massive thunderstorms. We should be getting blizzards. After what felt like forever, I reached my front door. My mom opened it for me and the wind slammed the door shut behind me.

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