Chapter 7: Police

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Everything in our house was chaos that night. The power was still out. We had lost service on all of our phones again. Those things were nothing compared to the major issue. Our mom had never come home. My brothers and I were convinced that the letter was real, and that our mom was sucked up by a tornado. We decided not to tell our dad because he was already under enough stress. Everyone in my family was restless. My dad was in shock and was having a massive panic attack. Eli and Vaughan were attempting to calm our dad down, but they failed miserably. I just laid in bed sobbing all night, and when I knew it the sun was rising.

There was a knock at the door at exactly 7:30 in the morning. As I trotted down the stairs with tears stained on my face, my dad answered the door. Eli and Vaughan followed behind him. It was a police officer. The police officer stepped inside of our house.

"I've come to deliver some awful news to you," explained the officer.

"Is it about my wife? She never came home after her shift at Cumby's last night. We're afraid that last night's tornado might've had something to do with it," my dad panted.

"Yes. I'm sorry to tell you, but your wife, Karlene Rivers, is dead," responded the officer as he took his hat off in respect.

"What caused her death?" my dad sobbed.

"It occurred at approximately 11:08. The tornado last night. It appeared out of nowhere. We talked to a few witnesses, and they said that it just sucked up her car. Only her car and no others. I'm so sorry Mr. Rivers," the officer explained to my dad.

"Well where's her smashed car or body? Isn't there any evidence of her left at all? There must be!" panted my dad.

"No sir. We have been searching for hours and have found no evidence of Karlene or her car. It's almost as if she just disappeared off the face of earth. We can't find any evidence from last night," replied the officer as calmly as possible.

"Oh no! She can't be gone! She can't be!" hollered my dad while sobbing. I've never seen my dad so upset, but I shouldn't be talking since I was crying even harder.

"Mr. Rivers, I'm so sorry this had to happen to you. I have to go help the search team. They are still searching for evidence of Karlene, but we will send someone to check on you and your family in a few days," stated the officer.

"Thank you officer," Vaughan replied to the officer since dad couldn't even get a word out anymore.

The officer still kept his hat off in respect as he walked down the front steps. He jumped into his car and drove off with his hat still off. I kind of felt bad for him, since he has to break this kind of news to people.

We all sat in silence for the remainder of the day. Everyone's eyes were puffy from crying. I started to get too emotional, so I sat on the back steps. As I closed the back door behind me, I let myself slide down onto my knees. Why should I remind everyone else of their suffering by getting overly emotional? I thought. I couldn't control the tears that were streaming down my face. My eyes burned. Even Eli was balling his eyes out, and he never cries. Last night my dad lost his wife and Eli, Vaughan, and I lost our mother. My mother is dead. My mother is dead. My mother is dead. That thought was on repeat in my head.

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