Chapter 3: Paris

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Last summer, my family and I had taken a trip to Paris. That was what this picture was of. To be specific, it was a Polaroid picture. We were posing in front of the Eiffel Tower. I remember that day very well. It was one of the best days of my life. Eli and Vaughan both looked awkwardly down at me in the photo. My parents had cheesy smiles plastered on their faces. Me on the other hand, was posing on the ground. I was laying in front of the Eiffel Tower unlike the rest of my family. My mom had all she could do to find someone who would take the picture for us.

From what I remembered, many people in France know English. I told my mom that, but she didn't seem to believe me. Before the Polaroid was taken, she walked up to someone to ask if they could take our family picture. It turned out that they didn't speak English. I had to attempt to talk to the guy because I knew a little bit of French. I remember this day more than what I had eaten for breakfast this morning.


"Can you please take a picture of us in front of the Eiffel Tower?" my mom asked a random person taking a walk with his family. The person looked at my mom like she was a nutcase. What my mom didn't understand is that this person didn't speak English. She kept trying to talk to the stranger.

"Let me handle this," I explained to my mom. "Parlez-vous anglais?" I asked the man.
(Do you speak English?)

"Non, mais ma femme parle anglais!" he responded. The man motioned for a woman who must've been his wife to come over.
(No, but my wife speaks English.)

"Hi. Can you take a picture for us?" mom asked.

"Sure!" she exclaimed. She took the picture of us posing in front of the Eiffel Tower.


I never remembered seeing that picture until now. I had no clue why someone in my family would hide it from me. As I was observing the Polaroid, the power flicked back on. I could now easily study the picture without a flashlight. Eli cheered for at least five minutes after the power came back on. Something looked very strange about this photo. My eyes scanned the photo carefully, and I noticed something peculiar. My mom looked as though she was slightly faded compared to everyone else. Maybe the ink was just lighter on that area of the picture, I thought.

Anyways, I went to the back room again to get my phone since I had left it in there. I glanced over at the hole where the Polaroid photo was. I noticed another object inside of the hole. I carefully pulled it out and it was an envelope. Nothing else was in there besides the bag before, so I didn't know how on earth this envelope appeared.

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