BLAISE AND I KEPT A WATCH ON DRACO UNTIL HE WOKE UP. I was studying the potions book when I saw Draco move from the corner of my eye. I put the book aside and his eyes fluttered open.

"I'm so glad you're okay?" I said, squeezing his hand lightly "How's your head?"

"It's hurts a little in the back," he replied "What happened?"

"You were hit by a bludger," I said "You've been unconscious for about five weeks. Blaise and I brought you all your homework."

"Merlin, Hermione," he muttered "Come here." He moved over to make room for me on the bed. I left my bed and lay down beside him. I put one arm around his waist. He draped his right arm around my shoulder and kissed my forehead. "What have I missed?"

"Nothing much," I replied "Ginny got recruited for the Holly Head Harpies. You paid me back for your bail."

"Yeah, told you I'd figure it out the amount," he said.

"So, I told Blaise about how you got arrested," I said, smirking. Draco groaned.

"I also submitted the project and we got five percent extra credit," I said.

"Sounds like a boring couple of weeks," Draco remarked.

"Yeah," I sighed "You got loads of owls."

"Really?" Draco asked "Who is sending me mail?"

"A few came from your mum," I replied "Oh, and you got lots of chocolate, and get-well-soon cards and flowers, someone even sent you a love potion from George's shop."

"How is he?" Draco asked.

"He's... hurting," I said "It can't be easy losing a twin, but he's getting better. He re-opened Weasley's Wizard Wheezes."

"What other things did I get?" Draco asked, changing the subject. It was still a little awkward to talk about the war. He blames himself for choosing the wrong side.

"Just those things," I said "Although a couple of girls did ask you out. They wrote love poems and letters too. I burned all of them."

"Aw, Hermione, are you jealous?" Draco teased.

"No," I said "I just think that my boyfriend should not be getting love letters from other girls."

"Come on, Hermione, there's not need to be jealous. You know I love you," Draco said. I inhaled sharply and sat up. I turned around to look at him. I put my left arm behind me for support.

"What?" I said. Did Draco just say he loved me?

"What?" he repeated.

"You just said you loved me," I said, turning red.

"No, I didn't," Draco said.

"Yes, you did!"

"No, I didn't!" he denied.

"It's okay. I love you too," I said. Draco lifted his head up and kissed me. I smiled into the kiss.

"Ms. Granger, I didn't think you would have to be briefed on the school's policy of PDA," said Madam Pomfrey, entering the Hospital Wing. Her tone wasn't of surprise. I guess she was just warning me.

"Sorry, Madam Pomfrey," I said and I sat back on the chair next to Draco's bed. I could see that Draco was trying to stifle a laugh.

"Mr. Malfoy you are free to go as soon as I remove the bandages. Then, we have to check for a concussion. I'd advice you to avoid bright lights for the next few weeks," Madam Pomfrey said.

Project Doxycide: A Dramione storyWhere stories live. Discover now